7256 results

This is the Coral Triangle Initiative on coral reefs, fisheries and food security (CTI-CFF) 10-year Regional Plan of Action (RPOA) that serves to capture priorities and actions of the Coral Triangle countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Timor-leste) to safeguarding the world's epicenter of marine biodiversity. This was released in Manado, Indonesia in May 2009.

Powerpoint awareness presentation on waste management

This contains frequently asked questions with some information to respond to these student fieldwork questions.

Information brochure of how to manage wastes.

Brief information on Solid Waste Management in Honiara.

This is an education awareness on Environmental Degradation.

This is a record of discussion for the Solomon Islands J-PRISM II Basic Design Survey Minutes of meeting.

This is the minutes of meeting for the 1st Joint Coordinating Committee Meeting under the J-PRISM II Project.

Summary data of incoming waste survey conducted in 2017

This report provides an analysis and assessment of legislation, policies, strategies and plans relevant to management and use of the Solomon Islands oceans and will contribute to the development of both the oceans policy and plan.

This report summarizes the main findings of an analysis and assessment of 54 instruments of legislation, policies, strategies and plans relevant to management and use of the Solomon Islands oceans and will contribute to the development of both the oceans policy and plan.

Map of predictions of relative probabilities of species occurence in a global grid of half-degree latitude and longitude cell dimensions.

Map of predictions of relative probabilities of benthic marine species occurence in a global grid of half-degree latitude and longitude cell dimensions.

Map of predictions of relative probabilities of pelagic species occurence in a global grid of half-degree latitude and longitude cell dimensions.

Map of artisanal fishing intensity based on data from the global map of human impacts (2008) (https://www.nceas.ucsb.edu/globalmarine2008/impacts).

Map developed by MACBIO for the bioregions workshop 2018. Chlorophyl-a concentration is an important proxy which is routinely measured and is considered a "core" parameter of global physical-biological oceanic models. Map is based on data from NASA's Aqua satellite.

The map contains the global distribution of habitat suitability for seven suborders of cold water octocoral found deeper than 50m. Map is based on data from Yesson et al (2012) Global habitat suitability of cold water Octocorals, Journal of Biogeography 39, 1278-1292.