6970 results
 Vanuatu GIS Working Group

GIS Survey Exercise as part of the training in Port Vila 2024 with SPREP team.

 Vanuatu GIS Working Group

Practical exercise survey at the training venue Manples Area, Port Vila 2024

 Vanuatu GIS Working Group

We visited the radar site to record the site location and map the site area.   

 Vanuatu GIS Working Group

Practice on use of data acquisition software, such as Kobo toolbox, for informed decision making

 Vanuatu GIS Working Group

Kobotoolbox trail surveys at manpless and Lakanawi, Efate in June 2024

 Vanuatu GIS Working Group

Fisheries GIS Exercise as part of the training in Port Vila 

 Vanuatu GIS Working Group

Visitation to Radar site to do GIS Survey practical for SPREP GIS and Data Management training 26th June 2024. 

 Vanuatu GIS Working Group

Fisheries GIS exercise training by SPREP

 The Smithsonian Institution

As of 1969, the scientific community had no general information on the natural history of Namoluk Atoll in the Eastern Caroline Islands of Micronesia. The only significant published source for the atoll was an ethnographic and linguistic account provided by the German physician.

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

Pacific Island Countries (PICs) are heavily dependent on natural resources and likely to remain so for the near future, making resource management an issue of critical importance for economic development. This chapter employs a simple neoclassical
growth model to diagnose deficiencies in current policy regimes and suggest possible alternatives. Current practices in the exploitation of the regions mineral, tuna, and forest resources are used to illustrate problems and suggest possible policy interventions.

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

 National University of Samoa Consulting Ltd,  Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment and Meteorology

As part of the Second National Communication Project, Samoa is currently preparing its second inventory of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. This inventory will be prepared in line with the
2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, and will estimate emissions from the four sectors of: 1) Energy. 2) Industrial Processes and Product Use (IPPU). 3) Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use. and 4) Waste. It is anticipated that the inventory will cover annual GHG emissions for the years 2000 - 2005 inclusive, depending on the availability of data.