1732 results
 Environment and Conservation Division-MELAD
… are to; * establish a shark sanctuary in Kiribati water to ensure conservation of sharks * protect the balance … ecosystem include commercially important fish species and the health of marine habitats such as coral reefs * help sustain and develop the economy of Kiribati from shark and
 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority
… The environment constraints map was produced by CSIRO and added as extra layer under the PNGRIS Project after much … forest and environment sustainability. Other layers such water control districts, national parks, wildlife management areas and conservation needs assessment were used …
… to guide action on climate change mitigation, adaptation and advocacy in Nauru. Implementing this policy will require … including Environment, Health, Infrastructure, Energy, Water, Education, Agriculture and Disaster Risk Management – which includes building resilience to climate …
… 2008 establishes a Community system to prevent, deter and eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing. … pdf … 113622 …
… research paper on the extent to which both donor finance and resource revenues have contributed to higher rates of … of the PNG economy—social services (including health and education) and infrastructure, between 1975 and 2010. … …
 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority
… strategies for achieving sustainable human development and poverty reduction through equality and participation and the sustainable use of the country’s natural resources …
… done. The biggest environmental challenge in mining is the management of mine tailings. … pdf … 113633 …
… The SciCOFish project, Scientific support, for the management of coastal and oceanic fisheries in the Pacific Islands region, was … Contribution Agreement between the Pacific Community (SPC) and European Union (EU) from 17 April 2010 to 3 September …
 Climate Change Directorate
… The tool allows you to see the monitoring progress and learn more about the monitoring data collected across the …
… Agency, the Department of Environment, Climate Change and Emergency Management (DECEM), along with state R2R focal points and staff, steering committee members, local government …
… Agency, the Department of Environment, Climate Change and Emergency Management (DECEM), along with state R2R focal points and staff, steering committee members, local government …
 UN Environment Programme
… Invasive Alien Species on Islands to Preserve Biodiversity and Adapt to Climate Change highlighted successes, deepened connections within regions and facilitated the exchange of experiences across … new initiatives are developing to demonstrate large-scale management of invasive alien species across island regions. …
… Australia has a highly diverse and variable climate and its forests evolved under a relatively high level of … managers. These conditions will require implementation of management practices appropriate to a changing climate. This …
… current scientific knowledge, institutional experience and global case studies to present the most relevant lessons in building resilient and functional networks. An important feature is the balance … considerations, which collectively contribute to management decisions. The tested techniques will be extremely …
… Islands Environment Service, Ministry of Marine Resources and their partners with a summary of tagging and nesting information that have been submitted to SPREP for incorporation into the regional Turtle Research and Database System (TREDS). … pdf … 67943 …
 Environment and Conservation Division-MELAD
… in the 1960s, but no additional information on the soil resource of the island has been produced since that time. In this study, 15 soil types were described and analyzed. Where possible, comparison has been made with previous works. … … Environment and Conservation Division-MELAD … soils … kiritimati … …
… freshwater lens. This report describes adaptive and coping capacity of Abaiang and the sensitivity of livelihood-based resources to climate change and disaster risks. … pdf … 73579 …
… W (Temoe Island) to 154°40' W longitude (Stilly Island), and from 7°50' S (Motu one Island) to 27°36' S latitude (Rapa … an area of 4000 km2 of dry land, 12,000 km2 of lagoonal water and a huge Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) covering 5,500,000 km2 of oceanic water (Gabrie and Salvat, 1985). Available online Call …
 Pohnpei State NGO
… Species Taskforce of Pohnpei (iSTOP) strives to enhance and preserve the natural biodiversity of Pohnpei State … of our society while cooperating with neighboring states and countries to identify, prevent, and eradicate or manage/control invasive species. … … Pohnpei …
… The Tuvalu Integrated Waste Policy and Action Plan 2017 – 2026 was endorsed by the Government in 2016 as the main national policy framework to guide the management of waste in Tuvalu. It sets down the Long-term Vision of having “A Cleaner and Healthier Tuvalu for today and future generations” … pdf …