1732 results
 Environment and Conservation Division-MELAD
… framework, a guiding document to support the development and implementation of communication initiatives. Its … priority communications goals in terms of climate change and climate risk in Kiribati, and to provide mechanisms and resources to enhance and
 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme
… indicator development, reporting, communication products and informed decision making are made. You are free to use this workflow to help explain and support data management and sharing. … … Secretariat of the Pacific …
… objective of the study is to build institutional capacity and knowledge to enable Tuvalu to better plan and manage the impacts of climate change on migration. … indicators, providing information on labour migration and gathering data on community attitudes to climate …
 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - Yap State,  FSM
… Press release regarding the iNFORM Data Portal Project and Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) National … by FSM Department of Environment, Climate Change, and Emergency Management (DECEM). … … Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) …
… of coastal protection mechanisms such as seawall, and re-vegetation, promote education and awareness programs, watershed management and reforestation programs. * Lano community hope …
… was obtained in November 2019 relating to current waste management, generation and characterisation through waste audits conducted on households, commercial premises and landfills in Palau. … pdf … 114720 …
 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority
… of computer programs (ANUDEM, ANUSPLIN, ANUCLIM, PATN and TARGET). This was first assembled in 1994 – 1995 by the … Resources Information Network (ERIN), Great Barrier Reef Management Park Authority (GBRMPA), Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies (CRES) of Australian …
… of computer programs (ANUDEM, ANUSPLIN, ANUCLIM, PATN and TARGET). This was first assembled in 1994 – 1995 by the … Resources Information Network (ERIN), Great Barrier Reef Management Park Authority (GBRMPA), Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies (CRES) of Australian …
… to 2009. This reconstruction accounts for officially un- and underreported catches of artisanal and subsistence … in Tuvalu, reliable estimation of catches and resulting resource management decisions will play a role in Tuvalu‘s future food …
… a variety of ecosystem services, principally timber and other wood products. In addition to such services, plantation forests provide direct and indirect benefits to biodiversity via the provision of … biodiversity in plantation forests via changes in forest management actions that have been proposed to mitigate the …
… (1980-1998), in the western Indian Ocean (1984-1989), and in the western-central Pacific (2003-2007). Over the past … of the different types of EU tuna fishing vessels within and outside the framework of EU agreements, and the importance of their catches to the EU market. The …
… Fishery), the Philippines (Samar Sea), Thailand (Trat and Chumphon) and Viet Nam (Kien Giang) as part of the Strategies for Trawl Fisheries Bycatch Management Project (REBYC-II CTI), funded by the Global …
 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme
… dataset with internet direct links and resources relating to the global seafloor geomorphic …
… capacity was the limited human resources for health and disaster response more generally, both in times of disaster response and in day-to-day operations. Another common finding was the …
 Environment and Conservation Division-MELAD
… The focus of this resource is on the effects of changes in air and sea surface temperature, rainfall, sea-level rise and extreme weather events on island environments, economies …
… The Ministry of Resources and Development (R&D) has a programme to restock livestock and food crops for national food security. A total of 628 …
… organisations (GOs), non-government organizations (NGOs) and local communities in a joint effort to achieve sustainable land management. Implementation of the NAP inolved partners … including government organisations, NGOs, private sectors and local communities. … pdf … 69008 …
… as the single greatest threat to the livelihoods, security and well- being of Pacific Island countries and territories (PICTs), and presents major challenges to the … impacts on communities, infrastructure, ecosystems, water supply, human health and livelihoods. Both climate …
… findings from the first two sets of cetacean sighting and acoustic surveys conducted within the Admiralty Island … short-finned pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus), and sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus). The relative group … a variety of marine protected area planning processes and management initiatives that are ongoing in PNG. … pdf … 113878 …
… biodiversity, including associated marine biodiversity, and stresses that atolls are “biodiversity cool spots”, … very considerable marine resources, have among the poorest and most highly threatened biodiversity inheritances on …