223 results
 International Maritime Organisation (IMO)
… Data Management System Project … … International Maritime Organisation (IMO) … data … management … system … information … Disaster Risk Management
 Cook Islands National Environment Service
… Rarotonga Water intakes and Streams … … Cook Islands National Environment Service … rarotonga … water intakes … streams … Built Environment … Inland Waters …
 Department of Environment,  Tuvalu
… Emma Newland 2018 … … Department of Environment … Tuvalu … water quality … Inland Waters … Coastal and Marine …
 Yap NGO
water conservation billboard for the Tamil watershed … … Yap NGO … tamil yap water conservation … watershed campaign … r2r conservation … Land … Biodiversity … Culture and Heritage … Inland Waters …
 Cook Islands National Environment Service


 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority
… to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Papua New Guinea Conservation and Environment Protection Authority (CEPA) in relation to the 2016–17 assessment of the management effectiveness of Papua New Guinea’s protected …
7xpdf 2xjpg csv
 Nauru Department of Commerce,  Industry and Environment
… The guidelines for the design of conjunctive water supply systems to improve resilience to drought in … initiative. The PACC project involves 14 pacific countries and is aimed at building resilience to impacts of climate … PACC project is currently addressing water use and water resource management. These guidelines are mainly directed at …
 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme
… holds all media resources for the State of Environment and Conservation in the Pacific Islands: 2020 Regional Report … … 2020 … infographics … inforpacific … Atmosphere and Climate … Land … Biodiversity … Coastal and Marine … Inland Waters …
… Zip file contains a video explaining how to add a resource for logged-in users. … zip … 95 …
 Department of Environment,  Climate Change & Emergency Management (DECEM),  FSM
… … … Department of Environment … Climate Change & Emergency Management (DECEM) … FSM … table … top … exercise … kosrae … Disaster Risk Management
 Environment and Conservation division
… in the Federated States of Micronesia” … … Environment and Conservation division … environmental … social … management … system … Built Environment …
 Solomon Islands Ministry of Environment,  Climate Change,  Disaster Management and Meteorology
… Ministry of Environment … Climate Change … Disaster Management and Meteorology … solomon islands … environment … waste management strategy … economy … Atmosphere and Climate … Land … Biodiversity … Built Environment … …
 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - Chuuk State,  FSM
… request of the (OECMA) Oneisom Environment Conservation Management Association, EPA Chuuk held a workshop on Solid … management focusing on 3Rs, Segregation of waste, policies and regulations and Proper Disposal of wastes were some of the topics of …
… steams and water intakes rarotonga 2014 or older … jpg … 67991 …
… component of the Tuvalu IW R2R Project, baseline water quality surveys and analysis were carried from 14th to 17th September 2018. … site, was also conducted. We report on six measures of water quality: turbidity, dissolved oxygen, the dissolved …
 Department of Environment,  Climate Change & Emergency Management (DECEM),  FSM
… … … Department of Environment … Climate Change & Emergency Management (DECEM) … FSM … 2021 … afproject … pohnpei … water security … Atmosphere and Climate … Land … Biodiversity … Built Environment … …
… Overall progress in management effectiveness for protected areas in PNG (refer to …