7194 results

This zipped file compiles documents, reports and publications developed and produced by CTSP NGO partners including the Solomon Islands National Coordinating Committee during the course of the 5-years USCTI Support Program under the CTI-CFF national work program (2009-2013).

Powerpoint awareness presentation on waste management

This contains frequently asked questions with some information to respond to these student fieldwork questions.

Information brochure of how to manage wastes.

Brief information on Solid Waste Management in Honiara.

This is an education awareness on Environmental Degradation.

This is a record of discussion for the Solomon Islands J-PRISM II Basic Design Survey Minutes of meeting.

This zipped file contains pdf documents on the First Workshop on Planning Framework for HCC SWM Plan in January 2018.

This is the minutes of meeting for the 1st Joint Coordinating Committee Meeting under the J-PRISM II Project.

Summary data of incoming waste survey conducted in 2017

This report provides an analysis and assessment of legislation, policies, strategies and plans relevant to management and use of the Solomon Islands oceans and will contribute to the development of both the oceans policy and plan.

This report summarizes the main findings of an analysis and assessment of 54 instruments of legislation, policies, strategies and plans relevant to management and use of the Solomon Islands oceans and will contribute to the development of both the oceans policy and plan.

A factsheet explaining marine ecosystem services developed by MACBIO.

Factsheet developed by MACBIO on Economic Valuation of Marine Ecosystem SServices. What are ecosystem services? The case for economic valuation of marine ecosystem servces in the Pacific. How can economic values for ecosystem services be used in decision making in the Pacific?

A factsheet developed by MACBIO on the methods of ecosystem services valuation in the Pacific. Topics explained:
* What are ecosystem services and why are they important in the Pacific?
* How can we value marine ecosystem services in the Pacific?
* Cost based valuation methods.
* Production based valuation methods.
* Revealed preference valuation methods.
* Stated preferences methods.

A factsheet developed by MACBIO covering the topic of Marine Ecosystem Services in the Pacific.
* What marine and coastal ecosystem services exist in the Pacific and why are they important?

PDF file of a presentation by MACBIO on the process and products of the national MESV process in the Solomon Islands. This provides a quick overview of the process itself and the developed material, that are combined in this dataset.