6816 results
 Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE),  Samoa

Environment related legislation review of Samoa.

**Please submit new information or corrections as the reviews will be updated annually.**

 Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE),  Samoa

This Waterfront Plan is a strategic document that will guide government planning and waterfront users on future development, and how we envisage the waterfront to be transformed in the next 10 or so years. It is a living document that can be reviewed over time depending on changing resources and circumstances.

This report focuses on marine turtles and attempts to give an account on the number and fate of marine turtles that were stranded on land after the tsunami waves.

National inventory of electrical and electronic wastes in Samoa in the year 2009

The objectives of this document include managing a number of key forest areas where the bird is still found, eliminating hunting as a threat to the birds, establishing new populations of the birds, improving our understanding of the bird through ecological research, investigating captive breeding as a conservation tactic, increasing public awareness and education about the need for bird conservation, promoting the partnerships that are necessary to implement the plan and establishing a special bird recovery group to monitor and guide plan implementation.

The Framework has been developed within the context of Samoa’s national development priorities and takes into account the need to protect the environment and human health.

A pocket identification guide.

Please submit new information or corrections as the reviews will be updated annually.

The Waterfront Plan will be used by the Government of Samoa as a cohesive and strategic plan with clear economic and social benefits to leverage investments from potential investors and development partners.

National Environment Management Strategy 1997

In accordance with decisions 1/CP.19 and 1/CP.20, the Republic of Palau submitted this Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) highlighting their commitment towards achieving the objective of the UNFCCC.

This policy provides guidance for a unified and integrated energy sector management and set forth the foundation for Palau’s energy future. The vision is for a reliable and resilient energy sector delivering Palau sustainable, low emissions energy services.

Palau’s coral reefs show differential habitat recovery following the 1998-bleaching event

Golbuu, Y., Jay Andrew, Geory Mereb, Robert van Woesik. 2013. Recovery of Coral Populations at Helen‐Reef Atoll after a Major Bleaching Event. PICRC Technical Report 13‐03.

Gouezo M, Golbuu Y, van Woesik R, Rehm L, Koshiba S, Doropoulos C. 2015. Impact of two sequential super typhoons on coral reef communities in Palau. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 540:73-85

Barkley HC, Cohen AL, Golbuu Y, Starczak VR, DeCarlo TM, Shamberger KEF. 2015. Changes in coral reef communities across a natural gradient in seawater pH. Sci Adv 1:e1500328–e1500328

Polloi K, Golbuu Y, Mereb G, Koshiba S, Friedlander A, Koike H. 2014. An Assessment of Maml and Kemedukl in Palau and Management Recommendations: A Report to The Nature Conservancy Micronesia Program. PICRC Technical Report 14-07. Palau International Coral Reef Center. Koror, Palau.

TNC ERA (The Nature Conservancy Ecoregional Assessment): David Hinchley, Geoff Lipsett-Moore, Stuart Sheppard, Umiich Sengebau, Eric Verheij and Sean Austin). 2007. Biodiversity Planning for Palau’s Protected Areas Network: An Ecoregional Assessment (ERA). TNC Pacific Island Countries Report No. 1/07

Friedlander AM, Golbuu Y, Caselle JE, Ballesteros E, Letessier TB, Meeuwig JJ, Gouezo M, Olsudong D, Turchik A, Sala E. 2014. Marine biodiversity and protected areas in Palau: Scientific report to the government of the Republic of Palau. National Geographic Pristine Seas and Palau International Coral Reef Center. Koror, Palau