7289 results

Palau Energy Office 2017

Appanaitis, Inger. 2013. National Health Profile 2013. Koror: Office of Health Policy Research & Development, Ministry of Health.

MOH (Ministry of Health). 2014. Annual Report.

MOH (Ministry of Health). 2015. Republic of Palau Noncommunicable Disease Prevention and Control Strategic Plan of Action 2015-2020

WHO (World Health Organization). 2011. Palau Profile. In: Western Pacific country health information profiles: 2011 revision. Manila: WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific.

US Army Corps of Engineers. 1998. Environmental Impact State for Construction of the Palau Compact Road, Babeldaob Island, Republic of Palau. Honolulu: Department of the Navy.

NISC (Palau National Invasive Species Committee). 2014. Annual Report.

Otobed, Demei and Iosefa A. Maiava. 1994. Republic of Palau: State of the Environment Report 1994. Apia, Western Samoa: South Pacific Regional Environment Programme.

State of Environment Report published in 2004 for Palau.

State of the Environment Report published in 2017

2019 State of the Environment Report Republic of Palau, May 2019. National Environmental Protection Council (NEPC).

Koshiba S, McNamara K, Gouezo M, Otto E, Jonathan R. 2016-b. Socio-economic Baseline Study of Ngchesar State. PICRC Technical Report 16-10. Palau International Coral Reef Center, Koror, Palau.

This document is part of a technical report series on conservation projects funded by the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) and the Conservation International Pacific Islands Program (CI-Pacific)

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