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The map shows landcover and vegetation impact of the Hunga Tonga Hunga Haápai volcanic eruption on the Tonga Island group.

 Smithsonian DC

Washington Island (Teraina) in the Northern Line Islands is a small atoll with a land area of 14.2 sq. km. situated at 4° 4 3'N, 160° 25'W. The Northern Line Island archipelago is comprised of four islands alined on an axis which runs from Christmas Island, just north of the equator, to Palmyra Island in the northwest (Figure 1). Washington Island, and its nearest neighbor Fanning Island, about 150 kilometers to the south east, have had close economic and social ties for most of their recent history.

 Smithsonian Institution

During the period 1958-1964, the authors undertook soil and vegetation studies in the northern Marshall Islands as part of the University of Washington Radiation Biology Laboratory surveillance team. This team was responsible for monitoring levels of radiation in various components of the island environment and any effects on plant and animal life. The authors of this report were charged with the soils and vegetation components but assisted with collections in the aquatic ecosystems and some food plant materials.

 Smithsonian Institution

Phosphatic limestones and associated soils occur on eight of the nine islands of Tuvalu, central Pacific. Deposits range from gram-size to >500,000 tons. Carbonate hydroxyapatite, dahllite, forms crustose cement about calcareous bioclasts which it sometimes replaces. Precise genetic relationship of rock to soil is unclear. Consolidated rock occurs as hardpan within phosphatic soil profiles, with unconsolidated phosphatic layers above and below. Phosphatization has occurred either as a continuous or episodic process within the vadose zone for at least 4000 years.

 Smithsonian Institution

Jonathan Sauer (1961) remarked, in his Coastal Plant Geography of Mauritius, that the chance to study the coastal vegetation there was like being "admitted to a field worker's paradise"
and stressed that "most tropical coasts are beautiful and exciting, particularly to people concerned with natural processes . . .." The same can certainly be said for the tropical coasts of the often Edenized islands of the Pacific Ocean. Their "beauty and excitement" is considerably enhanced,

 Smithsonian Institution

Coral atolls are natural laboratories within which to examine ecological processes (Sachet, 1967; Lee, 1984). They are often isolated, in some cases little disturbed, and have a geologically recent history of terrestrial plant colonisation. Reef islands around the rim of most atolls are Holocene in age. They are composed of biogenic skeletal sediments and have developed since reef growth caught up with sea level which stabilized after post-glacial sea-level rise. Plant colonisation of most of these islands must have occurred over a period of no more than 6000 years.

 Smithsonian Institution

This monograph sheds light on the status of secondary plant cover, heretofore little known, on slopes between sea level and about 750m in the Marquesas Islands, a remote tropical Polynesian archipelago of high islands of volcanic origin situated in the dry tradewind zone of the South Pacific. Plant cover types are described and assigned to xerotropical, transitional and pluviotropical floristic zones determined in part by comparison with similar zones previously devised for Oahu Island, Hawaii.

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 Smithsonian Institution

Mauke, Mitiaro and Atiu are deeply eroded volcanic islands in the southern Cook Islands, south Pacific, each surrounded by a rim of elevated Cenozoic reef limestone (makatea). This paper presents the results of instrumental topographic surveys of each