786 results
 East-West Center Press

"The impacts of the 1997-1998 El Nino are
fresh in our minds, and the latest reports from
the work of the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC) confirm tvhat all of you
already know— changes in climate matter to
individuals, communities, businesses and
governments who call islands home. Your
valuable natural resources, traditional ways of
life, critical economic sectors, community support
infrastructure, atid, to a great extent, your
future, depend on developing an effective

 Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat

With these decisions in mind, the Pacific Plan identifies initiatives within an implementation framework that extends to 10 years. Some of this work is already underway. The Plan provides a framework for effective and enhanced engagement
between Forum countries and Pacific territories and with their non-state actors and development partners. It does not limit the sovereign right of Forum Member countries to determine their own national goals and priorities. It may also guide but does not restrict bilateral development programmes and activities.

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