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• A user-friendly, open access online tool
• The place to go for historical and near real-time Pacific Ocean data
• Data are displayed visually, as downloadable maps and graphs
• Files are low bandwidth, ideal for slow internet speeds
• Developed for non-technical users
• Data are based on historical records, are streamed from satellites, and obtained from ocean-based equipment as well as computer models

The assessment is structured in two related parts:

1. State, pressures and threats.
2. Response.

The inventory of GOA-ON assets can be searched interactively by region, platform type, and variables by using the Filters tool. The mapping layers contain contoured world-wide data; **Platforms** include icons for various observing assets, some of which display real-time data and many of which include links to data and metadata. For a given asset measuring carbonate chemistry, metadata includes information on which parameters are measured, links to data providers, and other useful details.

A series of free online courses related to different environmental thematic areas:
1. Biological Diversity
2. Chemicals and Waste
3. Climate, Atmosphere and Land
4. International Environmental Governance
5. Oceans and Freshwater

Users can freely participate on any course and receive certificates upon completion of each course syllabus.

These guidelines detail the process, timeline, and steps taken to complete a State of Environment Report.

The Addis Ababa Principles and Guidelines for the Sustainable Use of Biodiversity provide a framework for assisting Governments, indigenous and local communities, resource managers, the private sector and other stakeholders, about how to ensure that their uses of biological diversity will not lead to its long-term decline.

The article draws on semi-structured interviews and an analysis of social media sites to examine the use of social media in Pacific climate change campaigns.

This article summarize the current state of sea cucumber fishery management in several countries as of March 2013, and progressive action being taken, with SPC collaboration, to establish formal fishery management frameworks.

The status of species is based on evaluations made by a regional network of experts, who were trained to carry out biodiversity assessments according to the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria.

The Akwé Kon Voluntary Guidelines are a tangible tool in keeping with the greater emphasis now placed by Parties to the Convention on practical results based on the identification and pursuit of outcome-oriented targets with a view to achieving, by 2010, a significant reduction in the current rate of loss of biological

A selection of islands was chosen for the study, representative of the two main island forms: (i) atolls and limestone islands dependent on rainwater and groundwater – nauru, Majuro Atoll (in Republic of the Marshall islands) and Fongafale islet (Tuvalu); and (ii) volcanic islands with river systems – including Rarotonga (cook islands), Viti levu (Fiji), new Guinea (Papua new Guinea) and Upolu (Samoa).

Assessing the vulnerability of the mangrove, seagrass and intertidal flat habitats in the tropical Pacific that support coastal fisheries.

This book addresses the economic component of ESD (ecological sustainable development) in the Pacific. It is primarily concerned with the role that conventional economic issues plays in the viability of natural resource and environmental projects in the Pacific. As the success of projects also depends on relevant scientific knowledge and appropriateness of an activity, it is assumed in this book that this knowledge and know-how is already available.

A direct internet link to access the PIER (Pacific Islands Ecosystem at Risk) webpage, listing invasive and potentially invasive plant species present in and around the Pacific region.