7226 results
 Pacific Data Hub

Scientific data collected on the _Westward, Corwith Cramer_, and _Robert C. Seamans_ are invaluable products of SEA’s educational research programs. SEA supports dissemination and sharing of data with educators and researchers to benefit the broader science community and the public. We aim to encourage and ensure fair access to SEA data while also preserving the intellectual property of individual researchers and seeking opportunities for collaboration.

 Pacific Data Hub

Portions of SEA’s digital data have been contributed to a variety of national archives for specific projects; you are welcome to freely access and utilize these resources without submitting a formal request. Proper citation is expected, see format below.

## Data Citation
Any product (e.g., thesis, capstone project, report, website, graphics, publication, presentation) by any person that includes data or samples collected onboard SEA vessels should include the following acknowledgement:

 Pacific Data Hub

-HOUSEHOLD: Household size and composition; Ranked sources of income and average household expenditure level; Average household consumption patterns and sources; Average number of fishers and boats per household.

 Pacific Data Hub

-MENAGE: Characteristiques du menage, Composition du menage, Biens detenus dans le menage, Moyens de transport, Depenses, Revenus.
-INDIVIDU: Niveau de formation, Activites des membres du menage, Depenses, Revenus.
