364 results

GEBCO’s gridded bathymetric data set, the GEBCO_2020 grid, is a global terrain model for ocean and land at 15 arc-second intervals. It is accompanied by a Type Identifier (TID) Grid that gives information on the types of source data that the GEBCO_2020 Grid is based.

If the data sets are used in a presentation or publication then we ask that you acknowledge the source.This should be of the form: GEBCO Compilation Group (2020) GEBCO 2020 Grid (doi:10.5285/a29c5465-b138-234d-e053-6c86abc040b9)

Technical document

A quick video tour of KoBoToolbox - a simple and safe way to collect reliable data

YouTube video explaining how to add a dataset.

YouTube video explaining how to add a resource.

YouTube video explaining how to add additional information.

YouTube video explaining how to create a visualization.

YouTube video explaining how to add a group and user.

YouTube video demonstrating a national data portal.

From the Turtle Research and Monitoring Database System (TREDS)

From the Turtle Research and Monitoring Database System (TREDS)

From the Turtle Research and Monitoring Database System (TREDS)

From the Turtle Research and Monitoring Database System (TREDS)

From the Turtle Research and Monitoring Database System (TREDS)

From the Turtle Research and Monitoring Database System (TREDS)

This powerpoint presentation has instructions on Practical 1 &2 - Data Upload & Adding News and Events