243 results

Presentation delivered by Mr. Nomeneta Saili from Skyeye on the application of GIS to identify EPC assets that were damaged during the 2009 tsunami

Presentation delivered by Mr. Unasa Nomeneta Saili of SkyEye on the future for GIS for Samoa

Presentation delivered by Mr.James Atherton (vice president of Samoa Conservation Society) on the history and background of GIS and remote sensing in Samoa

An introductory presentation on what FOSS4G stands for and how the conference emerged.

This is a shapefile layer that shows the 12 nautical miles zone for Niue. It can be opened in any GIS software.

This is a shapefile layer that shows Niue's Territorial Sea Baseline. It can be opened in any GIS software.

This is a shapefile layer that shows the 24 nautical miles zone for Niue. It can be opened in any GIS software.

This shapefile shows the 24 nautical miles zone for the Phoenix Group - KI. It can be opened in any GIS software.

This is a shapefile layer that shows the 200 nautical miles zone for Niue. It can be opened in any GIS software.

This is a shapefile layer that shows the 12 nautical miles zone for the Gilbert Group - KI. It can be opened in any GIS software.

This is a kml file that shows the global 24 nautical mile zone. It can open in QGIS and Google Earth.

This shapefile shows the global 12 nautical miles zone. It can be opened in QGIS and Google Earth.

This kml file shows the global 12 nautical miles zone. It can be opened in QGIS and Google Earth.