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For Ridge to Reef Consultancy Announcement

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PNG is endowed with rich natural resources and culture and is known as one of the cultural and mega biodiversity hotspots globally. Located on the eastern part of the island of New Guinea, PNG contains roughly 1 percent of the global landmass, with four major islands and over 600 islands and atolls. PNG also has one of the diverse reef system in the world and has a total of 3.12 square kilometers of economic exclusive zone (EEZ) of marine territory. Over 840 spoken languages exist and spoken by over 1000 different tribes.

 LMMA Network

Over the past decade, there has been growing interest in working with local communities to establish marine protected areas to help conserve dwindling marine resources. Given the urgent

 Australian Institute of Criminology

Trade in illegal timber throughout the Asia-Pacific region is suppressed to an extent by international policy, primarily the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
(CITES). While not specifically focusing on timber, CITES has some effective mechanisms and prosecution powers - albeit limited - that regulate the import and export of illegal timber
and timber products if they are listed as 'endangered'. However, there are inconsistencies and loopholes in policies and regulations at domestic, regional and national levels of

 Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC)

The 7th Conference of the Pacific Community and 41st Meeting of
the Committee of Representatives of Governments and Administrations (CRGA) took place at SPC headquarters in Noumea from 1 to 8 November. The Conference of the Pacific Community — SPC's governing body - is held every two years and is immediately preceded by the meeting of CRGA, which makes recommendations to the Conference.

Call Number: 341.246 SEC

Physical Description: 60 p. ; 29 cm

 World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)

As our understanding of the scale of environmental challenges
deepens, so we are also forced to contemplate the inadequacy of
the current responses to these challenges. By and large, these
responses retreat from engaging the values that underpin our decisions as citizens, voters and consumers: mainstream approaches to tackling environmental threats do not question the dominance of today's individualistic and materialistic values.

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 42 p.

 The Smithsonian Institution

Canton Atoll has a single passage between the ocean and lagoon and lias conspicuous environmental gradients from that passage to the back lagoon. These gradients include the physiography of the lagoon floor, water quality, and the diversity and abundance of corals, fishes, and mollusks. The gradients can apparently be attributed either directly or indirectly to circulation
and water motion within the lagoon. Those oceanographic characteristics can, in turn, be attributed to the geological history of the atoll, including some human modification of the pass configuration.

 The Pacific Science Board

The Gilbert Islands are a part of the- Gilbert and Ellice
Islands Crown Colony of Great Britain, They lie in the
Pacific Ocean directly southeast of the Marshall Islands
and straddle the equator from 3 degrees North Latitude to
3 degrees South Latitude. All are low islands and most are
atolls. They are densely inhabited by Micronesian people
who are greatly dependent on the sea for food.

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 259 p.

 The Smithsonian Institution

The avifauna of the Marshall and Gilbert Islands and the sur-