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 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

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 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

A method for assessing effectiveness in Papua New Guinea’s protected areas

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

1) At administrative level 1 these tables do not refer to the National Capital District or to the Autonomous Region of Bougainville. The National Capital District is combined with the Central Province and Bougainville is combined with the North Solomons province.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

The coral reefs in PNG are mostly located to the north and east coast of the country and lie within the ‘coral
triangle’ that includes eastern Indonesia, the Philippines, eastern Malaysia, Timor Leste and the Solomon Islands.
The coral triangle is a global centre of marine biodiversity and has very high conservation value.

This report documents the status, economies and management of corals -

 National Fisheries Authority of Papua New Guinea

The National Fisheries Authority, under Section 28 of the Fisheries Management
Act 1998 and by Section 4 (1) of The Fisheries (Torres Strait Protected Zone) Act
1984, Chapter 411 set out the Torres Strait and Western Province tropical rock
lobster Management Plan. This plan takes effect from the date of notification in
the National Gazette.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

This Operational Manual is one such tool that will assist in standardizing and
streamlining the administrative process for handling of the environmental applications.
It is important that officers use this manual as a guide for responding to each step in the
permitting process.
Operational Manual is a dynamic and evolving document that should be continually
improved as situations arise to meet the new demands. At the same time, the improved
efficiency that is anticipated from the use of the manual would assist DEC to function

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Peat Soils or Histosols

Reference: Bellamy, J.A & McAlpine, J.R (1995).
Papua New Guinea Inventory of Natural Resources, Population Distribution and Land Use Handbook (2nd edition),
PNGRIS Publication No.6, CSIRO - AIDAB,queensland complete Printing Services, Australia, 155 pp

Classification based on codes shown below (See Table III - 14. codes for soil class on page 143 of reference above);

211 = Cryofolists Freely drained, little decomposed and mostly shallow organic soils found in cold climates (10326.64589 km2 dark blue colour)

Peat Soils or Histosols

Reference: Bellamy, J.A & McAlpine, J.R (1995).
Papua New Guinea Inventory of Natural Resources, Population Distribution and Land Use Handbook (2nd edition),
PNGRIS Publication No.6, CSIRO - AIDAB,queensland complete Printing Services, Australia, 155 pp

Classification based on codes shown below (See Table III - 14. codes for soil class on page 143 of reference above);

211 = Cryofolists Freely drained, little decomposed and mostly shallow organic soils found in cold climates (10326.64589 km2 dark blue colour)

A conservation planning study in Papua New Guinea (PNG) addresses the role of
biodiversity surrogates and biodiversity targets, in the context of the trade-offs required
for planning given real-world costs and constraints. In a trade-offs framework, surrogates
must be judged in terms of their success in predicting general biodiversity
complementarity values – the amount of additional biodiversity an area can contribute to
a protected set

The purpose of used lubricants and oil audit was to execute assessments on activities and services of organizations under sectors responsible in generating used lubricants and oil or its wastes in any regard. Used lubricants and oil (ULO) audit/ survey and inventory was executed under the requirements expected from the environmental audit protocol.

List of Protected Fauna and Flora that are protected for International Trade.

First draft of Action Plan for UNCCD for PNG. To be finalised by August 2018.

First State of Coral Triangle Reporting for PNG.

A rapid biodiversity assessment ("BioRap") project identified candidate areas for
biodiversity protection in Papua New Guinea (PNG) and provides an ongoing
evaluation framework for balancing biodiversity conservation and other land use
needs. Achieving a biodiversity protection target with minimum opportunity cost was
an important outcome given that biodiversity values overlap with forestry production
values, and high forgone forestry opportunities would mean significant losses to land

This publication is a consolidated list of protected fauna of Papua New Guinea, compiled from Fauna (Protection and Control) Act 1976 and the subsequent amendments. Fauna (Protection and Control) Act was enacted in 1966 and amalgamated into the revised laws in 1976 after the independence of PNG. This Act is solely confined to protecting animals (birds and mammals). The protected species listing under the Fauna (Protection and Control) Act is done by the National Gazette notifications. All protected fauna are the property of the State.

We describe three challenges for biodiversity planning, which arise from a study in Papua New Guinea, but apply equally to biodiversity planning in general. These are 1. the best use of available data for providing biodiversity surrogate information, 2. the integration of representativeness and persistence goals into the area prioritisation process, and 3. implications for the implementation of a conservation plan over time.

Application form for an environment permit

Papua New Guinea’s Department of Environment and Conservation is currently undertaking a national marine gap analysis to contribute towards their commitment under the Convention on Biological Diversity to establish a “comprehensive, effectively managed and ecologically-representative national system of protected areas.” The gap analysis will identify conservation priorities throughout Papua New Guinea’s marine area to inform protected area planning, environmental impact assessment and other biodiversity conservation interventions.