214 results
 Environment and Conservation Division-MELAD
… This review updates and builds on the reviews conducted in the early 2000s under … information on the matters it deals with. … … Environment and Conservation Division-MELAD … legislation review … … legislations … natural resources … laws … Atmosphere and Climate … Land … Biodiversity … Built Environment … …
 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority
… to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Papua New Guinea Conservation and Environment Protection Authority (CEPA) in relation to the 2016–17 assessment of the management effectiveness of Papua New Guinea’s protected …
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 Cook Islands National Environment Service
… National Water, Sanitation and Climate Outlook … … Cook Islands National Environment Service … national … water … climate … outlook … sanitation … cook islands … draft …
 Department of Environment,  Climate Change & Emergency Management (DECEM),  FSM
… mapping analysis for FSM states’ Important Forest Resource Areas (IFRA) for Forest Stewardship Program 2012 … … … Department of Environment … Climate Change & Emergency Management (DECEM) … FSM … 2012 … forest stewardship … …
 Nauru Department of Commerce,  Industry and Environment
… in 2017 … … Nauru Department of Commerce … Industry and Environment … water … nauru … water security … water resources … sustainable management … atoll island … groundwater storage … freshwater …
 Department of Environment,  Climate Change & Emergency Management (DECEM),  FSM
… through the Department of Environment, Climate Change and Emergency Management (DECEM) with the support of the Secretariat of the … (NEMS) 2019–2023. The FSM NEMS was developed based on data and information in the FSM State of Environment report, …
 Department of Environment,  Tuvalu
… … environment strategy … nems … national environment management strategy … Atmosphere and Climate … Land … Biodiversity … Built Environment … Coastal and Marine … Inland Waters …
 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme
… UNEP Regional Seas Ports and Studies No. 136. SPREP Reports and Studies No. 49. UNEP 1991 … … Secretariat of the Pacific … Programme … unep … sprep … regional … region … seas … water … quality … lagoon … monitoring … report … Coastal and
 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme
… Integrated Island Management (IIM), responds to the unique circumstances of … scale of ecological, social or physical processes within, and to, islands. This report highlights the principals and lessons learned with case studies on IIM … … Secretariat …
 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority
… the Proceedings of the Pacific Regional Consultation on Water in Small Island Countries – Country Briefing Papers at least 2003 or older. … … PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority … png … pacific regional consultation … water … small island countries … briefing papers … water
 Department of Environment,  Tonga
… This report is one in a six series produced for the Tonga Water Safety Plan programme … … Department of Environment … …
 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)
… This report outlines a baseline assessment of the water quality, sediment quality and aquatic ecology of the Metapona River system downstream … of Environment, Conservation, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology in the Solomon Islands Government. …
 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)
… This document is the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the desalination … process in August-September 2019. The South Tarawa Water Supply Project (STWSP) will increase access to safe water supply to residents of South Tarawa … … Secretariat of …
 Nauru Department of Commerce,  Industry and Environment
… from an ocean floor depth of 4300m. The land area is 22km, and the island rises to 70m above sea level. Drilling has … Nauru. This is underlain by a mixing zone of brackish water, 60-70m thick. The exceptional thickness of the mixing … is highly vulnerable to pollution, and waste disposal management needs to be considered in relation to groundwater …
 Kosrae Island Resource Management Authority (KIRMA),  FSM
… KOSRAE ISLAND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY PERSISTENT ORGANIC POLLUTANT REGULATIONS … … regulation … persistent organic pollutants … Atmosphere and Climate … Land … Built Environment … Inland Waters …
 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority
… natural resources, pressures affecting these resources and steps which need to take place to ensure PNG's awareness … … png … environmental monitor … land … impacts … mining … water resources … environmental health … environment … 2002 … risk … disaster management … Land … Biodiversity … Coastal and Marine … …
 Kosrae Island Resource Management Authority (KIRMA),  FSM
… forest by Conservation International … … Kosrae Island Resource Management Authority (KIRMA) … FSM … kosrae … conservation … …
 External Partners
… on addressing the critical challenges of sustainable water resources management on Tutuila, the main island in the Territory of … hydrogeological model of the island's groundwater and surface water resources by integrating existing …
 Department of Environment,  Climate Change & Emergency Management (DECEM),  FSM
… This report presents the findings following research and a three-week field assessment (April 2009) of the … … … Department of Environment … Climate Change & Emergency Management (DECEM) … FSM … 2010 … climate change … research … adaptation … food and water security … climate risk management … adaptive …
 Department of Environment,  Tuvalu
… of environmental legislation in force in Tuvalu identified and is current as of January 2018. … … Department of … … legislation … environmental legislation … Atmosphere and Climate … Land … Biodiversity … Built Environment … Coastal and Marine … Culture and Heritage … Inland Waters …