6655 results

This report presents results from a gap analysis of Pohnpei’s Protected Area Network and spatial prioritization analyses to identify priority areas to expand the existing network to fill representation gaps. These results are presented in support of efforts led by The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and the Conservation Society of Pohnpei (CSP) to improve the effectiveness of Pohnpei’s protected areas.

In November 2017, The Nature Conservancy, Chuuk Conservation Society, and scientists from James Cook University convened a spatial planning workshop in Weno with the aim of integrating protected area network planning and state-wide fisheries management efforts. The aim is to work with local stakeholders to develop a network of marine managed areas that is informed by best available science, and will achieve both biodiversity conservation objectives and those articulated by resource owners and community members. The analyses presented in this report are in support of that objective.

This report presents methods and results of the following spa.al analyses to support the future development of Yaps’ protected area network:
1. Gap analysis of Yap’s existing protected area network
1.1. with respect to representation targets specified by the Micronesia challenge
1.2. in terms of adequacy for protecting key fish species
2. Spatial conservation prioritization to identify indicative priority areas for conservation, accounting for community interest in undertaking management

This report presents methods and results of the following spatial analyses to inform recommendations for improving the design of Kosrae’s PAN:
1. A gap analysis of Kosrae’s existing protected area network, with respect to representation targets specified by the Micronesia Challenge and in terms adequacy for protecting key fish species;
2. Spatial conservation prioritization to identify indicative priority areas for conservation.

 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - Yap State,  FSM

Amended Yap State EPA Regulations

 Department of Resources & Development,  FSM

Pohnpei State Agriculture Strategic Action Plan 2011-2015

 Pohnpei State NGO

Invasive Species Taskforce of Pohnpei (iSTOP) strives to enhance and preserve the natural biodiversity of Pohnpei State through collaborative efforts at all levels of our society while cooperating with neighboring states and countries to identify, prevent, and eradicate or manage/control invasive species.

 Pohnpei State Government

Pohnpei State Solid Waste Management Action Plan 2014-2018

 Pohnpei State NGO

Coconut for Life (C4L) is an initiative by FSM Vital Energy (Vital), supported by Micronesia Conservation Trust (MCT) to rehabilitate the copra industry to support Vital and MCT's commitment to improve the livelihoods of the people of Micronesia. The project enhances the capacity for the buying, selling, exporting, manufacturing, processing, and distribution of copra and other products from coconut trees in the FSM. New community-based revenue streams are created for the people as opportunities become available for farmers to market coconuts.

 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - Pohnpei State,  FSM

Water quality assessment report of Pohnpei and waste oil project report

 Department of Environment,  Climate Change & Emergency Management (DECEM),  FSM

Protected Areas (PAs) that are active and proposed on the Pohnpei main island

 Kosrae Island Resource Management Authority (KIRMA),  FSM

Census of Kosrae 2000. Need to be updated to the recent census.

 Kosrae Island Resource Management Authority (KIRMA),  FSM
 Kosrae Island Resource Management Authority (KIRMA),  FSM
 The Nature Conservancy

This dataset contains the gap analysis & spatial prioritization reports for the 4 States of the FSM, which includes:
1) Pohnpei State's Protected Area Network,
2) Chuuk State's Protected Area Network,
3) Yap State's Protected Area Network, and
4) Kosrae State's Protected Area Network.
The reports also include spatial prioritization analyses to identify priority areas to expand the existing network to fill representation gaps for each of the states.
