6655 results

A mix of household surveys and community workshops were used to better understand the reliance of vulnerable communities in Greater Port Vila on their surrounding ecosystems and the services that these resources provide.

This report was prepared by Griffith University under the Pacific Ecosystem-based Adaptation to Climate Change Project (PEBACC).

A presentation in Brisbane on November 21st 2016 by RMIT University on the progress of the ESRAM

A presentation by Griffith ESRAM team on the progress of Tanna Island ESRAM project.

Local communities and stakeholders were engaged throughout the process to map ecosystem types; define key ecosystem functions and services; define the economic value and identify possible threats to these ecosystem services; identify and prioritise possible EbA projects to improve ecosystem health and increase community resilience; and develop an implementation plan for the selected EbA projects.

The PAA is an integration and prioritization of the action agendas contained in the already accepted and ongoing national and provincial programs including the CRP, Business Forum Outcomes and the Rural Economic Development Initiatives (REDI) Plans.

Brief descriptions of each species’ location, habitat, and relative abundance are given here.

A period of 3 months was spent collecting samples and data in the Vanuatu archipelago. The islands visited were Vanua Lava, Gaua, Santo, Malekula, Epi, Efate, Erromango, Tanna and Aneityum.

Important information on Vanuatu's land tenure and conservation.

The MACBIO project provides technical support in identifying and highlighting the values of marine and coastal resources and their ecosystem services. Once values are more visible, governments and stakeholders can plan and manage resources more sustainably, and maintain economic and social benefits of marine and coastal biodiversity in the medium and long term.

An identification of Vanuatu’s special and/or unique marine areas (SUMAs). This report brings together data, literature and the outputs of a dedicated workshop synthesising information about the areas identified. The areas were described, justified and scored according to four criteria: geographic explicitness, justification, information sources and legal obligations associated with each site.

The strategic areas of the NBSAP 20182030 have been aligned to the CBD Strategic Plan and Aichi Targets and also to two key national strategies: the National Sustainable Development Plan (NSDP) and the National Environment Policy and Implementation Plan (NEPIP).

The Vanuatu Environmental Unit (VEU) conducted a capacity building add-on to the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Planning Project (NBSAP). This Report reviews national legislation, regional model laws relating to the preservation of Traditional Biological Diversity Knowledge and literature reviews related to domestic, regional and international protection of traditional biodiversity knowledge.

The report has been has been divided into three sections:
i. Status report of Vanuatu’s biodiversity
ii. Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Vanuatu sectoral legislation
iii. Overview of the Vanuatu’s NBSAP Implementation