26 results
… data representing the mean levels of pH for the surface water layer. The data are available for global-scale … pre-processed global ocean re-analyses combining satellite and in situ observations at regular two- and three-dimensional spatial grids. The data available in …
… salinity in practical salinity scale (PSS) for the surface water layer. The data are available for global-scale … pre-processed global ocean re-analyses combining satellite and in situ observations at regular two- and three-dimensional spatial grids. The data available in …
… the mean levels of chlorophyll in mg/m3 for the surface water layer. The data are available for global-scale … pre-processed global ocean re-analyses combining satellite and in situ observations at regular two- and three-dimensional spatial grids. The data available in …
… the mean levels of nitrate in µmol/m3 for the surface water layer. The data are available for global-scale … pre-processed global ocean re-analyses combining satellite and in situ observations at regular two- and three-dimensional spatial grids. The data available in …
… the mean levels of phosphate in µmol/m3 for the surface water layer. The data are available for global-scale … pre-processed global ocean re-analyses combining satellite and in situ observations at regular two- and three-dimensional spatial grids. The data available in …
… the mean levels of calcite in µmol/m3 for the surface water layer. The data are available for global-scale … pre-processed global ocean re-analyses combining satellite and in situ observations at regular two- and three-dimensional spatial grids. The data available in …
… of current velocities in meters/second for the surface water layer. The data are available for global-scale … pre-processed global ocean re-analyses combining satellite and in situ observations at regular two- and three-dimensional spatial grids. The data available in …
… the mean levels of iron in µmol/m3 for the surface water layer. The data are available for global-scale … pre-processed global ocean re-analyses combining satellite and in situ observations at regular two- and three-dimensional spatial grids. The data available in …
… mean levels of phytoplankton in µmol/m3 for the surface water layer. The data are available for global-scale … pre-processed global ocean re-analyses combining satellite and in situ observations at regular two- and three-dimensional spatial grids. The data available in …
… the mean levels of silicate in µmol/m3 for the surface water layer. The data are available for global-scale … pre-processed global ocean re-analyses combining satellite and in situ observations at regular two- and three-dimensional spatial grids. The data available in …
… of temperature in degrees Celsius (°C) for the surface water layer. The data are available for global-scale … pre-processed global ocean re-analyses combining satellite and in situ observations at regular two- and three-dimensional spatial grids. The data available in …
… mean levels of dissolved oxygen in µmol/m3 for the surface water layer. The data are available for global-scale … pre-processed global ocean re-analyses combining satellite and in situ observations at regular two- and three-dimensional spatial grids. The data available in …
… active radiation (PAR) in E/m2/year for the surface water layer. The data are available for global-scale … pre-processed global ocean re-analyses combining satellite and in situ observations at regular two- and three-dimensional spatial grids. The data available in …
… Pacific Women is proud to present this video featuring the Fiji Disabled Peoples Federation (FDPF) highlighting the … of including people with disabilities in COVID-19 response and recovery. … video … …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Pacific Women is proud to join the Fiji Women's Fund and Australian Humanitarian Partnership in supporting Fiji Disabled Peoples Federation and its affiliates to …
… (TUFHA), shares a message from the Tuvalu National Women and Youth Forum. … video … …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Shamima Ali, Coordinator of the Fiji Women's Crisis Centre (FWCC), provides an overview of … against women it the Pacific, the drivers of violence and the importance of engaging men. … … Pacific Data Hub … audio-visual … gender-and-youth … pacific-women … social-norms … violence …
… This song was written and performed by Pacific adolescent girls during their … Regional Stakeholders’ Dialogue (12–16 May 2018 in Suva, Fiji). … video … …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Pamela, 13, is a dynamic adolescent, head girl and an active participant in one of Equal Playing Field … in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea’s capital. She was in Fiji; caught in transit between Papua New Guinea and Samoa due to changes in her connecting flight on her way …
 Pacific Data Hub
… (TUFHA). She’s driven by the passion to raise awareness and empower women and youth as well as see TUFHA grow into a well-recognised … video message from the inaugural Tuvalu National Women and Youth Forum, held from 9–13 December. The forum focused …