114 results
 Pacific Data Hub

Being an Act to provide for the National Education System and to make provision for national responsibility and provincial responsibility, in the field of education.

 Pacific Data Hub

The purpose of the Policy Guidelines for the FSM National Minimum Competency Test, hereinafter referred to as the "Policy", is to establish the schedule and procedures for administering the NMCT, evaluation procedures, reporting requirements, and other administrative details necessary to effectively conduct testing annually and produce reliable student performance data.

 Pacific Data Hub

This Policy is hereby established for the Education Sector in the nation to provide and ensure accesses to vocational education programs and other skill development and trainings for high school level students and youths.

 Pacific Data Hub

An Act to provide for and regulate primary and secondary education in Kiribati.

 Pacific Data Hub

An Act to amend the Education Act 2013.

 Pacific Data Hub

The purpose of this statement is to guide the general education policy development of the Ministry of Education and Human
Resources Development with respect to teacher education and development.

 Pacific Data Hub

This document is called the Policy Statement and Guidelines for School Infrastructure shall be the governing instrument for the design, development, construction, rehabilitation, repair and maintenance of all school infrastructure.

 Pacific Data Hub

The MOE employees serve as role models for all students and are expected to project a professional image at all times in the workplace.

 Pacific Data Hub

Guidelines for grading and homework.

 Pacific Data Hub

The National Curriculum and Assessment Framework (NCAF) contains the policies and guidelines for the content, structure and delivery of the national curriculum for primary and secondary schools in Kiribati.

 Pacific Data Hub

This policy outlines the framework that the MOE uses to assess and manage the risk to the children participating in all of its programs, including any donor-funded programs, and the measures and systems put in place to respond to concerns about their wellbeing.

 Pacific Data Hub

The purpose of the Act is to provide a framework for the regulation of the provision and operating of early childhood care and education to children from 3 years old to under 6 years old.

 Pacific Data Hub

The policy intends to change that so that English and Kajin Aelōñ Kein continue as teaching languages in a bilingual arrangement.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Schools Accreditation Regulations are established to ensure that PSS schools are conducive to learning by establishing standards, criteria, and procedures for a national system of public and chartered non-public elementary and secondary school accreditation.

 Pacific Data Hub
 Pacific Data Hub

The language policy of the Federated States of Micronesia is to enhance the economic growth and social development of the Nation through recognition of language as the carrier of the values and cultures that make us unique as a people and as the medium through which we communicate across the FSM and with the world.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Policy is established to ensure that the collection, management, and dissemination of data is conducted with due regard to the Department’s obligations towards data protection principles.

 Pacific Data Hub

The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework that will enhance and facilitate effective, efficient, and timely data collection from schools to the Public School System and all stakeholders. It is designed to ensure that the collection and entry of data is undertaken with care and concern to continually raise the quality of data in the Marshall Islands Education Management Information System (MIEMIS) database

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

Frances, E., 2016: Tracing Language Use and Policy in Cook Islands’ Schools: 1827-2003. South Pacific Studies Vol.36, No.2, 2016.

 Cook Islands Waste Department

Cook Islands Sanitation and National Water Policy