1191 results
 The Coral Reef Targeted Research & Capacity Building for Management Program
… The purpose of this section is to provide a management context to reef restoration. We assume some … of active restoration omit to consider the wider context and factors outside their control which may jeopardise their … & Capacity Building for Management Program … Coastal and Marine …
 Pacific Data Hub
… old something new: an approach to obtaining fisheries management information from a remote Pacific Atoll [BP 47]. … South Pacific Commission. South Pacific Commission and Forum Fisheries Agency Workshop on the Management of … Data Hub … fisheries … fishery-management … Coastal and Marine …
 Frontiers Media SA
… The time-tested Indigenous fishing knowledge (IFK) of Fiji and the Pacific Island is seriously threatened due to the … [EL] Physical Description: 18 p. … … Frontiers Media SA … fiji … oceania … indigenous fishing … knowledge … marine …
 Solomon Islands Ministry of Environment,  Climate Change,  Disaster Management and Meteorology
… case study sites in Malaita Province (Langalanga Lagoon and Maramasike Passage). Research at these sites have been … systems, through the Mangrove Ecosystem for Climate Change and Livelihoods project (Maramasike Passage) funded by the … MECDM and a project on Ecosystem Approaches to Fisheries Management in Langalanga Lagoon funded by the European Union. …
 Department of Environment,  Climate Change & Emergency Management (DECEM),  FSM
… This report presents the findings following research and a three-week field assessment (April 2009) of the … … … Department of Environment … Climate Change & Emergency Management (DECEM) … FSM … 2010 … climate change … research … adaptation … food and water security … climate risk management … adaptive …
 Marine Resources Research Department-University of the South Pacific
… The Coral Coast, Fiji, was one of the areas included in a South Pacific Marine … Resources Energy Programme commissioned, by the Marine Resource Department of the University of the South Pacific. … of an overall exercise embracing similar work in Tonga and West Samoa, and the period spent in Fiji covered March …
 Solomon Islands Ministry of Environment,  Climate Change,  Disaster Management and Meteorology
… Conservation Area (ACMCA) was first established in 1995 and aims to conserve all species inhabiting the Arnavon … Ministry of Environment … Climate Change … Disaster Management and Meteorology … marine environment … protected areas … arnavons … community-based resource management … Coastal and Marine …
 Cook Islands National Environment Service
… data show the ra’ui system of traditional marine resources management is actively functioning and allowing species to recover between harvests. This is an accomplishment that should give the local resource managers (Mangaia Island Council and Traditional …
 American Samoa Government
… The American Samoa Islands and its surrounding waters contain historical, cultural, and natural resources that must be protected, managed, … in the American Samoan Community Based Fisheries Management Program, they adopt a set of by-laws as part of …
 Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA)
… reef resources are exploited by subsistence, commercial and recreational fishermen. Very few data are available that document trends in production for most reef-resident and reef-associated fisheries resources in Palau, except for … for improvements for data collection and analysis and management of the in-shore and offshore fisheries in Palau. …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Lokani P., Polon P., Lari R. 1995. Fisheries and management of Beche-de-mer fisheries in Western Province of … South Pacific Commission. South Pacific Commission and Forum Fisheries Agency Workshop on the Management of …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Anon. 2021. Scaling up community-based fisheries management: A regional commitment supporting Pacific island … Pacific Community. 4 p. … … Pacific Data Hub … fishery-co-management … fishery-management … Coastal and Marine …
 Manta project in Fiji
… To see all species of manta rays and their relatives protected or effectively managed for … [EL] Physical Description: 11 p. … … Manta project in Fiji … marine species … sharks and rays … conservation … TAMS … Coastal and Marine … Built …
 Locally-Managed Marine Area (LMMA) Network
… that participating project teams use a common strategy and evaluation process to learn about the conditions under which using an LMMA approach works, doesn't work, and why. We believe that working together will allow us to learn collectively, improve our marine management activities, and increase the impact of our …
 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)
… Environment Conservation Pacific 2020 … oceania … lagoon water … regional … Land … Coastal and Marine …
 External Partners
… near-shore seawater measurements of excess radon (Rn-222) and water levels collected in Faga'alu Bay, Tutuila, American … Samoa. … … External Partners … #climate … #radon … #water level … Coastal and Marine …
 International Union for Nature Conservation (IUCN)
… or marine. the 2008 Guidelines for Protected Area Management Categories (2008 Guidelines) provide considerable detail on the use and application of the categories, including for marine … area management … marine protected areas … Coastal and Marine …
 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme
… Tuna Fisheries Status and Management in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean … … Secretariat of the Pacific …
 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme
… A practical guide for coastal resource managers to reduce damage from catchment areas based … … catchment areas … conservation … coral reef … Coastal and Marine …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Kronen, M., Clua, E., McArdle, B., Labrosse, P. 2003. Use and Status of Marine Resources - A Complex System of Dependencies Between Man and Nature - Case Studies from Tonga and Fiji, South Pacific. Noumea, New Caledonia: Secretariat of …