18848 results
 Pacific Data Hub

Visits to libraries and map collections in Australia and New Zealand, 26 September - 24 October 1989

 Pacific Data Hub

Visit to Dalhousie School of Library and Information Studies (12-14 December 1989) and Scripps Institution of Oceanography

 Pacific Data Hub

Report on the third binnual asian-pacific special and law librarians conference, Adelaide, 6-10 August 1989

 Pacific Data Hub

Visit to Solomon Islands, Ministry of Natural Resources Library, 26 April - 3 May 1990

 Pacific Data Hub

Visit to Tonga, Ministry of Lands, Survey and Natural Resources, Geology Section, 24 June - 28 June 1991

 Pacific Data Hub

Visit to Solomon Islands, Ministry of Natural Resources Library, 7-11, 18 October 1991

 Pacific Data Hub

Strengething information services, Solomon Islands, Ministry of Natural Resources

 Pacific Data Hub

Strengethening information resources at the Solomon Islands, Ministry of Natural Resources Geology Division

 Pacific Data Hub

Strengthening information services, Solomon Islands, Ministry of Natural Resources, July 1990

 Pacific Data Hub

Strenthening library resources for the Mineral Resources Department, Fiji, March 1992

 Pacific Data Hub

Library assistance to the Ministry of Natural Resource development, Kiribati, March 1992

 Pacific Data Hub

Pacific Island maps and aerial photographs: a catalogue of the SOPAC map and aerial photograph collections, September 1991

 Pacific Data Hub

Information control and the aquatic environment of the South Pacific, December 1991

 Pacific Data Hub

SOPAC technical filing system review, February 1992

 Pacific Data Hub

ICOD project #870137: strengthening technical information services in marine geology and non-living resources for the South Pacific region; final report, May 1992

 Pacific Data Hub

South Pacific Geoscience directory, November 1991

 Pacific Data Hub

Water and sanitation technical assistance to the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), Kosrae State, 1-9 December 1997.

 Pacific Data Hub

Water supply for Majuro, Republic of Marshall Islands, a technical appraisal for feasible options

 Pacific Data Hub

A technical appraisal of the Auki water supply system, Malaita Island, Solomon Islands

 Pacific Data Hub

Calibration of TWB water reticulation model, attachment to the SOPAC Secretariat from 2-27 August 1999