8967 results
 Pacific Data Hub
Water and sanitation project, water supply and sanitation collaborative council working group on demand management and conservation workshop trip report, Oslo, …
 PNG Department of National Planning & Monitoring
… In urban areas, responsibility for providing piped water and sewerage services in the nation’s capital, Port Moresby, … and for the remaining provincial and district towns with Water PNG (formerly the PNG Water Board). Service provision …
 Nauru Department of Commerce,  Industry and Environment
… Report 598   … … Nauru Department of Commerce … Industry and Environment … nauru … water … sanitation … strategic responses … Built Environment …
 External Partners
… The data described here is from near-shore shallow water Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) casts conducted in … Sciences Division established 18 survey sites along the water quality gradient near land-based source pollution. This … as part of the CRCP-funded project 'Linking watershed management activities to reef health in American Samoa' …
 Supervising Scientist Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts
… the results of a study carried out between May 2004 and May 2005 as a contribution to the Tropical Rivers … benefits include: provisioning services such as food and water; regulating services such as flood and disease control; … … … Supervising Scientist Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts … Land … Inland Waters …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Preliminary results of the monitoring and provides average efficiencies for imported and locally constructed solar hot water systems. Calculations of these efficiencies were based …
 Pacific Data Hub
… SOPAC, SOPAC Secretariat 2000. ENSO impact on water resources in the Pacific region workshop report, Tanoa International Hotel, Nadi, 19-23 October 1999. Suva, Fiji: South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission. 21 p. … … …
 Fao Fisheries And Aquaculture Technical Paper
… cucumbers are important resources for coastal livelihoods and ecosystems. At least 60 species are fished from more than 40 countries and most of the harvests are processed then exported to Asian … to allow stocks to recover and to allow more sustainable management plans to be established. Apart from a few …
 Pacific Data Hub

Report on the cobalt-rich manganese crust resources in the waters of the Republic of the Marshall Islands: based on the results of the cooperation study project on the deepsea mineral resources in selected offshore areas of the SOPAC region

 Pacific Data Hub

Report on the cobalt-rich manganese crsut resources in the waters of the Federated States of Micronesia: based on the results of the cooperation study project on the deepsea mineral resources in selected offshore areas of the SOPAC region

 Pacific Data Hub
… This report was prepared as a part of "Resource Assessment Study for Waste-to-Energy Resources in Fiji" contracted by the Department of Energy (DoE), Government of Fiji and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). This report …
 Department of Environment,  Climate Change & Emergency Management (DECEM),  FSM
… … … Department of Environment … Climate Change & Emergency Management (DECEM) … FSM … table … top … exercise … kosrae … Disaster Risk Management
 Pacific Data Hub
… Universal access to safe water and sanitation: the key to sustainable development in the … 1 poster … … Pacific Data Hub … sanitation-in-literature … water … Land … Biodiversity …
 Pacific Data Hub
… … sea-cucumbers … sea-urchins … starfishes … Coastal and Marine …
 Pacific Data Hub
… King M., Fa'asili U., Ropeti E. 1995. Management strategies for inshore fisheries in tropical … South Pacific Commission. South Pacific Commission and Forum Fisheries Agency Workshop on the Management of … Data Hub … fisheries … fishery-management … Coastal and Marine …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Anon. 2022. Pacific Coastal Fisheries Management and Compliance Project brief. Noumea, New … Data Hub … compliance … fishery-management … Coastal and Marine …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Transport statistics published by the Fiji Bureau of Statistics. Record captures: 2001 - 2016 … … … Pacific Data Hub … bureau … distribution … fiji … statistics … vehicles … of … vehicles … Built …
 Pacific Data Hub
… (on children given birth to) -Housing: Living quarters and its conditions, water and electricity access, sanitation, waste disposal, … & pets … … Pacific Data Hub … disability … education … fiji … household … housing … individuals … labour-force … phc …
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