18848 results
 Pacific Data Hub

RMI Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations 1994. 

 Pacific Data Hub

RMI Alternative Energy Fund. An ACT to provide for a revolving fund for the development, marketing and operation of alternative energy systems.

 Pacific Data Hub

Marshalls Energy Company - RMI Strategic Financial Plan and Performance Audit Review. 

 Pacific Data Hub

Petroleum (Exploration) Act [Cap 44] . 1996 Revised  Edition.  Laws of Solomon Islands. An act to make provision for the exploration of petroleum existing in its natural state in strata in Solomon Islands and to provide for matters connected therewith and incidental thereto. This Act maybe cited as the Petroleum (Exploration) Act.

 Pacific Data Hub

Petroleum Act [Cap 81], Laws of Solomon Islands, 1996 Edition. Chapter 81 - Petroleum. An Act relating to the carriage and storage of petroleum.

(18th May 1939) - 3 of 1939, 12 of 1940, 8 of 1965, 11 of 1970, LN 46A of 1978.

 Pacific Data Hub

PNG Electricity Regulatory Contract. 1 January 2013 - 31st December 2017. Final copy.

 Pacific Data Hub

PNG Electricity Industry Act. Chapter 78 consolidated to No 10 of 2002. An Act to provide for the establishment of an Electricity Commission and to regulate the generation, supply and sale of electricity and for related purposes. Being an Act to regulate the generation, supply and sale of electricity and for related purposes. 

 Pacific Data Hub

Companies Act 1997 consolidated to No 66 of 2000. An Act entitled Companies Act 1997. Being an Act to reform the law relating to companies and to repeal the Companies Act (Chapter 146) and for related purposes.  Made by the National Parliament. 

 Pacific Data Hub

Proposed Guidelines, Standards and Regulations for Renewable Energy Generation Systems Connecting to the Palau Central Grid. These Guidelines refer to the installation of renewable energy (RE) generation systems, (solar photovoltaic (PV) and wind turbines) up to 100kVA connected to the Palau Public Utilities Corporation(PPUC) central grid supplying Koror and Babeldoab. Report prepared for SPC by IT Power (Australia) Pty Ltd under the NorthREP Project.

 Pacific Data Hub

Actions for Palau's Future 2009 - 2014. The Medium Term Development Strategy. Document prepared by the Government of Palau with the Facility for Economic and Infrastructure Management and the support of the Asian Development Bank.

 Pacific Data Hub

Palau Energy Efficiency Action Plan. Developed as part of the European Union's assistance to the Energy Sector in Five ACP Pacific Islands (REP-5).

 Pacific Data Hub

Strategic Action Plan Energy Sector. A Framework for the Implementation of Palau's National Energy Policy. Palau Energy Policy Development Working Group.

 Pacific Data Hub

Development of the Palau National Energy Policy. Energy Sector Review Final Report.

 Pacific Data Hub

Republic of Palau National Energy Policy. Palau Energy Policy Development Working Group.

 Pacific Data Hub

Palau summary of electricity rates 2012. 

 Pacific Data Hub

An Act to amend 37 PNCA, Public Utilities to include a Palau Net Metering Act that will facilitate a system of customer based renewable energy generation to produce energy for customers own use, with excess electricity running to the provider and for other related purposes.

 Pacific Data Hub

Draft Power Purchase Agreement Template between Palau Public Utilities Corporation and the relevant company dated 2012.

 Pacific Data Hub

A Bill for an Act to merge the water and sewer utilities of the Republic under the umbrella of the Palau Public Utilities Corporation and for other related purposes.

 Pacific Data Hub

Public Utilities Corporation (PUC) Electrical Service Regulations. Effective March 30 1995.

 Pacific Data Hub

Cook Islands Census 2011. Census of population and dwellings.Main Report.