15446 results
 Pacific Data Hub

Pacific Community. 2022. Pitcairn Island - Pacific Community/Land Resources Division: overview of current and future support. Suva, Fiji: Pacific Community. 4 p.

 Pacific Data Hub

Pacific Community. 2022. Republic of the Marshall Islands - Pacific Community/Land Resources Division: overview of current and future support. Suva, Fiji: Pacific Community. 4 p.

 Pacific Data Hub

Pacific Community. 2022. Niue - Pacific Community/Land Resources Division: overview of current and future support. Suva, Fiji: Pacific Community. 4 p.

 Pacific Data Hub

Pacific Community. 2021. Samoa - LRD cooperation summaries [electronic resource]. Suva, Fiji: Pacific Community, Land Resources Division. 2 p.

 Pacific Data Hub

Pacific Community. 2022. Samoa - Pacific Community/Land Resources Division: overview of current and future support. Suva, Fiji: Pacific Community. 4 p.

 Pacific Data Hub

Pacific Community. 2021. Papua New Guinea - LRD cooperation summaries [electronic resource]. Suva, Fiji: Pacific Community, Land Resources Division. 2 p.

 Pacific Data Hub

Pacific Community. 2021. Republic of Marshall Islands - LRD cooperation summaries [electronic resource]. Suva, Fiji: Pacific Community, Land Resources Division. 2 p.

 Pacific Data Hub

Pacific Community. 2021. Cook Islands - LRD cooperation summaries [electronic resource]. Suva, Fiji: Pacific Community, Land Resources Division. 2 p.

 Pacific Data Hub

This Thematic Brief provides a broad summary of information and analysis about women’s economic empowerment in the Pacific Islands region. The summary includes references to associated research and information. This is one in a series of Thematic Briefs released by the Pacific Women Lead (PWL) at the Pacific Community (SPC) programme, termed PWL at SPC. The briefs have been updated to include COVID-19 considerations and recent programme information, based on the original briefs developed by the former programme, Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development (Pacific Women).

 Pacific Data Hub

This Thematic Brief provides a broad summary of information and analysis about violence against women and girls in the Pacific Islands region. The summary includes references to associated research and information. This is one in a series of Thematic Briefs released by the Pacific Women Lead (PWL) at the Pacific Community (SPC) programme, termed PWL at SPC. The briefs have been updated to include COVID-19 considerations and recent programme information, based on the original briefs developed by the former programme, Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development (Pacific Women).

 Pacific Data Hub

This Thematic Brief provides a broad summary of information and analysis about common gender equality myths in the Pacific and their underlying issues. The summary includes references to associated research and information. This is one in a series of Thematic Briefs released by the Pacific Women Lead (PWL) at the Pacific Community (SPC) programme, termed PWL at SPC. The briefs have been updated to include COVID-19 considerations and recent programme information, based on the original briefs developed by the former programme, Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development (Pacific Women).

 Pacific Data Hub

This Thematic Brief provides a broad summary of information and analysis about Pacific women with disabilities. The summary includes references to associated research and information. This is one in a series of Thematic Briefs released by the Pacific Women Lead (PWL) at the Pacific Community (SPC) programme, termed PWL at SPC. The briefs have been updated to include COVID-19 considerations and recent programme information, based on the original briefs developed by the former programme, Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development (Pacific Women).

 Pacific Data Hub

Giblin J., Damlamian H. 2022. Tsunami Hazard Assessment : Samoa Case Study. Suva; Fiji: Pacific Community. 117 p.

 Pacific Data Hub

Giblin, J. et al. Earthquake scenario selection for tsunami inundation hazard assessment: guideline on using the 2018 Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment in the Pacific. Joint Publication. Pacific Community: 78 p.

 Pacific Data Hub

Les systèmes alimentaires du Pacifique. Noumea, New Caledonia: Pacific Community. 4 p.

 Pacific Data Hub

Pacific food systems. Noumea, New Caledonia: Pacific Community. 4 p.

 Pacific Data Hub

Collen J., , Bukarau L. 2008. Abstracts of papers presented at the STAR* session 2007, (post-session version). Suva, Fiji: South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission. 73 p.

 Pacific Data Hub

Kilmer F.H., Resig J.M., , Longshore J.D. 2003. A stratigraphic study of late middle eocene/early, oligocene volcanic arc rocks of Southern Guam. Suva, Fiji: South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission. 66 p.

 Pacific Data Hub

Collen J., , Bukarau L. 2009. Abstracts of papers presented at the STAR*session 2009, 26th STAR session is held in conjunction with the SOPAC 38th Session (21-29 October 2009), hosted by the Government of Vanuatu at the Le Lagon Resort, Port Vila (pre-session version). Suva, Fiji: South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission. 64 p.

 Pacific Data Hub

Johnson D.P., , Maillet P., Price R.C. 2004. Interpretation of gloria sidescan sonar imagery for the coriolis trough and the New Hebrides back-arc. Suva, Fiji: South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission. 39 p.