3 results
 Climate Change Directorate

a record of typhoon occurrences in RMI from the 1970s - 1990s.

 Climate Change Directorate

An academic study on the geomorphic adjustment of Nadikdik Atoll based on the comparison of aerial photographs taken in 1945 and modern satellite imagery, after the devastating typhoon that over-washed and destroyed the atoll in 1905. This study has significant implications for the geomorphic understanding of reef islands, revealing magnitudes of island change not previously recognized.

 Climate Change Directorate

This paper presents a case study of traditional and contemporary settlement patterns of Majuro, and discusses its vulnerability to storm surges. The paper shows that the application of traditional knowledge extends to the realm of urban planning and that, in fact, ignoring this traditional knowledge as expressed in preWorld War II settlement patterns, exposes urban development to increased flood hazards, a risk which may exact a price too high in life and property.