2 results
 Palau Conservation Society

This report is the product of a consultative process that was initiated to share and discuss issues of sea turtle management in the Republic of Palau. The apparent decline of sea turtle populations in Palau has been a concern for many years. Several reviews conducted over the past decade make recommendations to improve Palau's turtle management regimes and to promote the recovery of locally existing turtle species.

 Palau Conservation Society

Palau is blessed with a wealth of natural resources. We enjoy clean air, clean water, abundant marine life, and healthy, productive reefs. Our stunning Rock Islands and majestic dive sites continue to draw admiration from around the world. But Patau's wealth is not just found in its natural resources. Palau has also been blessed with a wealth of human resources and technical capabilities. The population of Palau is well educated and highly talented, and makes use of the most advanced computer and development techniques on a daily basis.