8 results
 South Pacific Commission

The Pacific Islands' biodiversity is unique. Over 50 per cent of the region's terrestrial plant species are found nowhere else on earth. The terrestrial animals include rich arrays of birds,
reptiles, land snails and insects. Its national and international waters include the world's most extensive and diverse reefs, the largest tuna fishery, the deepest oceanic trenches and
significant remaining populations of many globally threatened species including whales, turtles, dugongs and saltwater crocodiles.

Available online|Kept at Vertical File

 South Pacific Commission

As a result of previous studies carried out through the support of UNEP to the South Pacific Regional Environmental Programme (SPREP) Regional Seas programme in the Pacific, a number
of island States have been perceived as being under immediate threat of major environmental change should greenhouse-forced climatic warming and consequent sea level rise occur.

A report produced for the Association of South Pacific Environmental Institutions (ASPEI) to the government of Kiribati and the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme|2 copies|Also available online

 South Pacific Commission

"Overall environmental policy" exists in French Polynesia for the time being, which strictly speaking, would imply the definition of priorities concering the protection of natural resources and their distribution in space, the enactment of comprehensive legislation, and the application of enforcement procedures by a Territorial department especially empowered for this purpose.

In English & French|Kept in the Vertical File

Call Number: VF 1268 [EL]

Physical Description: 11 p. ; 29 cm.

 South Pacific Commission

The Niue Government is in receipt of its first National Development
Plan (NNDP 1980-1985) which contains chapters on social development
(4 1Macroplan') and social services (Chapters 19 to 23); comprehen-
sive physical or regional plans for land and coastal resource use
are hampered mainly due to the existing tenure system.

Kept in the Vertical File|See also French version VF 1295

Call Number: VF 1296 [EL],VF 1295

Physical Description: 7 p. ; 29 cm.

 South Pacific Commission

The Government of Papua New Guinea passed an environment and
conservation policy statement in September 1975, following the
adoption of an explicit reference to environmental matters in
the Five National Goals and Directive Principles of the

Kept in the Vertical File|See also French version VF 1298

Call Number: VF 1297 [EL],VF 1298

Physical Description: 31 p. 29 cm.

 South Pacific Commission

The last remaining Kingdom in the South Pacific, Tonga has a total land
area of 674 square kilometers spread over a sea area of approximately
259,360 square kilometers. There are 3 major island groups with a total of
171 islands, 37 of them occupied. Thre

Kept in the Vertical File|See also French version VF 1302

Call Number: VF 1301 [EL]

Physical Description: 13 p. ; 29 cm.

 South Pacific Commission

All islands in the TTPI have a tropical marine climate charac-
terized by uniform air pressure, temperature and humidity.
Average monthly temperatures range from 79° to 83°F. Usually
there is a greater range in daily temperatures (approximately
10°} than in seasonal average temperatures. Relative humidity
is usually above 75%, but ranges from 55 to 100%. Seasonal
changes in wind direction and strength and in precipitation
are the main variables in climate features. Most of the TT lies

 South Pacific Commission

"National Parks belong to the people. Every man, woman and child in the country
has, as a heritage, these areas which are set aside forever to give pleasure to
present and succeeding generations. Thus, those who use the parks have
responsibility to themselves and to others to treat this great heritage with
care and respect.

Kept in the Vertical File|Available online

Call Number: VF 1247 [EL]

Physical Description: 22 p. ; 29 cm.