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 CSIRO Publishing

In an age of dramatic environmental and ecological challenges, the dynamics of sovereignty associated with the

 CSIRO Publishing

Resource sustainability requires and recognising and developing pathways to integrate local and indigenous knowledge alongside conservation and sustainability sciences within management practices and governance. However, knowledge never occurs in a vacuum, and is always mediated by the beliefs, values or stances towards its possession or use within particular contexts.

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 13 p.

 CSIRO Publishing

The history of New Guinea started about 130 million years
ago with the break-up of the great southern landmass called
Gondwana. The Australian continental plate then drifted
northwards somewhat isolated from other lands and carrying
a unique collection of plants and animals. The present form of
New Guinea developed as the leading edge of the Australian
plate crumpled on impact with a complex of smaller plates
and volcanic islands near the equator. Much of New Guinea
formed far to the east in the Pacific Ocean before being