5 results
 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Esso Highlands Limited (Esso) proposes to develop the Papua New Guinea Liquefied Natural Gas Project
(PNG LNG Project) in a co-venture with other participants. Esso (as project operator) will produce and condition gas from new and existing petroleum fields in the Southern Highlands and Western provinces of Papua New Guinea, send the conditioned gas by pipeline across Gulf Province and the Gulf of Papua to a 6.3-Mtpa LNG Plant in Central Province, liquefy the gas, and load it onto LNG carriers for export. The project will also produce condensate for export.

 Environment and Conservation division

ESMS for the GCF Enhanced Direct Access Programme “Climate change adaptation solutions for local authorities in the Federated States of Micronesia”

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

From Wealth to Wellbeing: Translating Resource Revenue into Sustainable Human Development

 Climate Change Directorate

Environmental Protection Authority. Coastal Water Quality Report

 United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP),  Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

The key highlights of this month issue include:
- Outcome of the Geneva biodiversity conference
- Blue Deal for economic recovery and sustainable growth
- Roles of indigenous communities in biodiversity protection
- Rise in online wildlife trade
- Financing chemicals and waste management
- Plastic taxes as new environmental policies
- Regionalizing UNEA 5.2 plastic resolution in East Africa
- Promoting the Science-Policy-Society Interface of synthetic biology
- Launching ACP MEAs 3 Youth Engagement and Training Initiative in Europe