68 results
 MNRET - Ministry of Natural Resources,  Environment & Tourism,  Palau

Data on Palau's Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) including information on Ecological conditions of coral-reef and seagrass for marine protected areas in Palau

 MNRET - Ministry of Natural Resources,  Environment & Tourism,  Palau

Data on Palau's Drinking Water including the status, water quality and water assessments

 MNRET - Ministry of Natural Resources,  Environment & Tourism,  Palau

Data on Drinking Water Quality in the Pacific Island Countries including Palau

 MNRET - Ministry of Natural Resources,  Environment & Tourism,  Palau

Data on land use change and its impacts on environment

 OERC - Environmental Response and Coordination,  Palau

Data and Palau's modelling reports on coral bleaching and other marine threatening events

 MNRET - Ministry of Natural Resources,  Environment & Tourism,  Palau

Data on Solid Waste Management in Palau

 MNRET - Ministry of Natural Resources,  Environment & Tourism,  Palau

Waste Management Policies & Practices in Pacific Island Countries including Palau

 MNRET - Ministry of Natural Resources,  Environment & Tourism,  Palau

Data on Linking Farmers to Markets in Palau

 MNRET - Ministry of Natural Resources,  Environment & Tourism,  Palau

Data on Policies for Food security

 MNRET - Ministry of Natural Resources,  Environment & Tourism,  Palau

Information and Data on Palau's Energy resources

 MNRET - Ministry of Natural Resources,  Environment & Tourism,  Palau

Data on Palau's National Health including anuual reports, reviews and other documents

 MNRET - Ministry of Natural Resources,  Environment & Tourism,  Palau

Data on the Palau Compact Road

 MNRET - Ministry of Natural Resources,  Environment & Tourism,  Palau

Data on Alien Invasive Species in Palau including scientific and annual reports, reviews and policies

 MNRET - Ministry of Natural Resources,  Environment & Tourism,  Palau

This dataset hosts Palau's State of Environment (SOE) reports.

 MNRET - Ministry of Natural Resources,  Environment & Tourism,  Palau

Socio-economic Baseline Studies in Palau including reports on Koror, Ngchesar, Ngiwal, Peleliu and Ngaraard States including the Ebiil Marine Protected Area (MPA).

 NEPC - National Environment Protection Council,  Palau

Location and distribution of MPAs on the east side of Babeldaob. Data obtained from WDPA dataset

 NEPC - National Environment Protection Council,  Palau

The Vision of the draft National Aquaculture Strategy is to: Contribute to achieving sustainable economic development in Palau through environmentally responsible aquaculture. It lays out the rationale for 5 specific objectives. The strategy was produced with assistance from the FAO.

 NEPC - National Environment Protection Council,  Palau

Volumes 1 & 2
Metz (2000)
Prepared for Palau Ministry of Resources and Development by the Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry

 NEPC - National Environment Protection Council,  Palau

Updated version of the Palau SOE - Indicator 96

 Pacific Data Hub

The purpose of the Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES) survey is to obtain information on the income, consumption pattern, incidence of poverty, and saving propensities for different groups of people in Palau. This information will be used to guide policy makers in framing socio-economic developmental policies and in initiating financial measures for improving economic conditions of the people.

Some more specific outputs from the survey are listed below: