42 results
 Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)
… The First United Nations Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 (also known as … as a threat to food security, natural resources (land, water, forest and biodiversity) and marine and coastal … development issues with particular attention to natural resource management, environment and climate change in the …
 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)
… provides us with a significant part of our diet and income. Marine Managed Areas focus on protecting these … important resources for livelihood purposes, biodiversity and ecosystem function, tourism and many other benefits. Although invasive species management is more difficult in the marine environment, it is …
 International Union for Nature Conservation (IUCN)
… Rats are one of the most detrimental of these and have been the target of numerous eradication programmes; … has been conducted but this requires continuous management and therefore its long-term viability (and that of the …
 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)
… Resilience underpins the sustainability of both ecological and social systems. Extensive loss of reef corals following … notion that support of system resilience is a viable reef management strategy. Available online Call Number: [EL] … … problem definition-baseline … strategy … Coastal and Marine … Biodiversity … Atmosphere and Climate …
 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)
Fiji’s marine ecosystems are worth FJ$2.5 billion per … committed to sustaining these values to build an equitable and prosperous blue economy Available online Call Number: … … problem definition … problem definition-baseline … fiji … Land … Coastal and Marine … Biodiversity … Atmosphere …
 International Union for Nature Conservation (IUCN)
… in New Zealand, are only clearly revealed on islands and fenced sanctuaries without rats and other invasive predators which suppress mouse … Union for Nature Conservation (IUCN) … eradication … management action … management action-management … rodents … …
 United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
… Invasive alien species represent an insidious and pervasive threat to the environmental, economic and human well-being of the Pacific islands. Pacific island … and disasters.|The UNEP/GEF Prevention, Control and Management of Invasive Alien Species in the Pacific Islands …
 Research Communications
… for expansion in the extent of the global PA estate and the quality of PA management. Available online Call Number: [EL] Physical …
 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)
… CBD Aichi Target 11. At least 17 % of terrestrial and inland water, and 10 % of coastal and marine areas, especially areas of …
 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)
… this guidance note focuses on its use to manage risks and impacts to biodiversity. Very similar approaches can be used for ecosystem services and even social impacts. Available online Call Number: [EL] …
 Department of Environment,  Tuvalu
… National Biodiversity Action Plan to recognize, protect and apply best practices in relation to the management, protection and utilization of biological resources. … … Department of …
 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)
… adopted the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011–2020, and its 20 Aichi Biodiversity Targets, to catalyze national and international conservation efforts and reverse negative … … problem definition … problem definition-baseline … management action … management action-management … Land … …
 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)
… A data and information management tool for Pacific island protected areas Available … change … environmental protection … invasive species … management action … management action-management … problem … … biological diversity … Land … Biodiversity … Atmosphere and Climate …
 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)
… This national ocean policy aims to protect and increase the value of resources of ocean and also the inherent value of the marine ecosystems and … policy … foundations … foundations-legislation … management action … management action-management … marine …
 Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE),  Samoa
… by Samoa to CBD … … Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE) … Samoa … cbd … biological diversity … …
 Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE),  Samoa
… the review of terrestrial biological information in Samoa and was written by MNRE with the technical support of … International (CI). … … Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE) … Samoa … terrestrial … biological …
 International Union for Nature Conservation (IUCN)
… eff ort, a high level of precision during implementation and carries no guarantee of success. Overall, rates of … a qualitative comparative review on four successful and four unsuccessful tropical rat eradication projects to … Union for Nature Conservation (IUCN) … eradication … management action … management action-management … rats … …
 International Union for Nature Conservation (IUCN)
… Cape Island; 93.9 km²) off southern New Zealand in 1963, and the subsequent extirpation of several endemic species, … do not reach a natural balance with native species and that a safe breeding habitat for an increasing number of … Union for Nature Conservation (IUCN) … eradication … management action … management action-management … rats … …
 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)
… samoa … cook islands … federated states of micronesia … fiji … french polynesia … kiribati … marshall islands … nauru … islands … tokelau … tonga … tuvalu … vanuatu … wallis and futuna … problem definition … problem definition-baseline … Land … Coastal and Marine … Biodiversity …
 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)
… … protected areas … pas … problem definition-research … management action … management action-management … biodiversity … biological diversity … Land … Coastal and Marine … Biodiversity …