5 results
 Pacific Data Hub

Record captures Pacific Island Population based on the last population census as well as projectiond/estimates. Estimates and projections of demographic indicators are for selected years. This spreadsheet was last updated in September 2013.  Data captured are:

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

Forest area for pacific island countries

 Pacific Data Hub

Record captures Pacific Island Population based on the last population census as well as projectiond/estimates. Estimates and projections of demographic indicators are for selected years. This spreadsheet was last updated in September 2013.  Data captured are:

 MNRET - Ministry of Natural Resources,  Environment & Tourism,  Palau

Socio-economic Baseline Studies in Palau including reports on Koror, Ngchesar, Ngiwal, Peleliu and Ngaraard States including the Ebiil Marine Protected Area (MPA).

 Climate Change Directorate

Reimaanlok Looking to the Future 2008. Reimaanlok: National Conservation Area Plan for the Marshall Islands 2007–2012