15 results
 Pacific Data Hub

Household survey was funded by the UNDP Pacific Fiji Office in supporting the Kiribati Energy planning unit (EPU) undertake a survey of household end-use electrical appliances. Data compiled in this dataset is for South Tarawa.

Data entry was undertaken by the Energy Planning Unit (EPU), Ministry of Public Works & Utilities (MPWU). Contact: Ms Ueaniti K.Betero, Assistant Energy Economist. E-mail: [email protected]  

 Pacific Data Hub

Household study was funded by the UNDP Pacific Fiji Office in supporting the Kiribati Energy planning unit (EPU) undertake a survey of household end use electrical appliances. Data compiled in this dataset is for Kiritimati.

Data entry was undertaken by  the Energy Planning Unit (EPU), Ministry of Public Works & Utilities (MPWU). Contact: Ms. Ueaniti K.Betero, Assistant Energy Economist. E-mail: [email protected]  

 Pacific Data Hub

Pacific National Minimum Development Indicators (NMDI) for Energy as of 2014. Statistics captured here are as of the latest census/HIES records available for the PICs. Data captured include:

  • Electrification rate
  • Access to modern lighting
  • Access to modern cooking fuel sources
  • Fuel imports as a % of GDP
  • Electricity tariffs (USD/kWh)
  • Household energy expenditure
 Pacific Data Hub

Data table on Pacific Utilities key characteristics, obtained via PPA benchmarking exercise. Data is extracted from PPA 2012 report, published in 2015. Key characteristics captured here are:

  • peak demand,
  • percentage of IPP,
  • household with connections,
  • outer islands serviced,
  • renewable energy percentage to grid and
  • ownership status (private or public owned).


 Pacific Data Hub

2008 - 2009 HIES conducted by the Fiji Bureau of Statistics. HIES surveys are a convenient and perhaps the only means of obtaining socio-economic information needed for the formulation of Government's economic and social plans and policies.

Downloaded from http://www.statsfiji.gov.fj/index.php/census-and-surveys/47-census-and-surveys/population-census/124-2008-2009-household-income-and-expenditure-survey-hies

 Pacific Data Hub

This dataset is currently set on restriction and can only be accessed via a request to the Department of Commerce, Industry and Environment (CIE).

 Pacific Data Hub

The household survey was funded by the Government of Australia via the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) through the Pacific Appliance Labelling and Standards (PALS) project with technical support from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

Data entry was undertaken by the Department of Energy, Govt. of Tuvalu. Contact: Kapuafe Lifuka, Acting Director, Department of Energy, Ministry of Public Utilities, Government of Tuvalu & PALS National Coordinator: [email protected]   

 Pacific Data Hub

This dataset is currently set on restriction and can only be accessed via a request to the Department of Commerce, Industry and Environment (CIE).

 Pacific Data Hub

Household survey was funded by the UNDP Pacific Fiji Office in supporting the Kiribati Energy planning unit (EPU) undertake a survey of household end-use electrical appliances. Data compiled in this dataset is for South Tarawa.

Data entry was undertaken by the Energy Planning Unit (EPU), Ministry of Public Works & Utilities (MPWU). Contact: Ms Ueaniti K.Betero, Assistant Energy Economist. E-mail: [email protected]  

 Pacific Data Hub

Household study was funded by the UNDP Pacific Fiji Office in supporting the Kiribati Energy planning unit (EPU) undertake a survey of household end use electrical appliances. Data compiled in this dataset is for Kiritimati.

Data entry was undertaken by  the Energy Planning Unit (EPU), Ministry of Public Works & Utilities (MPWU). Contact: Ms. Ueaniti K.Betero, Assistant Energy Economist. E-mail: [email protected]  

 Pacific Data Hub

Data table on Pacific Utilities key characteristics, obtained via PPA benchmarking exercise. Data is extracted from PPA 2012 report, published in 2015. Key characteristics captured here are:

  • peak demand,
  • percentage of IPP,
  • household with connections,
  • outer islands serviced,
  • renewable energy percentage to grid and
  • ownership status (private or public owned).


 Pacific Data Hub

2008 - 2009 HIES conducted by the Fiji Bureau of Statistics. HIES surveys are a convenient and perhaps the only means of obtaining socio-economic information needed for the formulation of Government's economic and social plans and policies.

Downloaded from http://www.statsfiji.gov.fj/index.php/census-and-surveys/47-census-and-surveys/population-census/124-2008-2009-household-income-and-expenditure-survey-hies

 Pacific Data Hub

The household survey was funded by the Government of Australia via the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) through the Pacific Appliance Labelling and Standards (PALS) project with technical support from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

Data entry was undertaken by the Department of Energy, Govt. of Tuvalu. Contact: Kapuafe Lifuka, Acting Director, Department of Energy, Ministry of Public Utilities, Government of Tuvalu & PALS National Coordinator: [email protected]   

 Pacific Data Hub

Pacific National Minimum Development Indicators (NMDI) for Energy as of 2014. Statistics captured here are as of the latest census/HIES records available for the PICs. Data captured include:

  • Electrification rate
  • Access to modern lighting
  • Access to modern cooking fuel sources
  • Fuel imports as a % of GDP
  • Electricity tariffs (USD/kWh)
  • Household energy expenditure
 Nauru Bureau of Statistics

These reports culminate the findings of the Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES) that was undertaken from September 2012 to the end of August 2013 and the 2006 HIES data
