5 results
 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

Pacific Regional Solid Waste Management Strategy 2010 – 2015

 NEPC - National Environment Protection Council,  Palau

This is Volume I of the Regional Biosecurity Plan for Micronesia and Hawaii.
United States Department of the Navy. 2015. Regional Biosecurity Plan for Micronesia and Hawaii, Volume I. Eds. University of Guam and the Secretariat of the Pacific Community.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Cleaner Pacific


The Pacific region has benefited from a number of regional and national programmes to both assess the impacts of climate change on biodiversity and develop programmes to adapt to climate change. Such programmes are critical considering that the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 1/ states that the Pacific region has already experienced temperature increases of as much as 1°C since 1910.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

Pacific island countries are particularly vulnerable to the effects of invasive species. After habitat destruction or modification, invasive species are responsible for more species extinctions than any other cause. Further, the rate of extinction of native species has been higher oil islands than
anywhere else in the world. Invasive species have also degraded native ecosystems.

Available online|Draft written by delegates to the Regional Invasive Species Workshop, Nadi, Fiji 1999. Final approved by SPREP member countries, Majuro, Sept 2000