14 results
 Pacific Data Hub

This toolkit provides sequential activities to support organisations to ensure that gender equality and the empowerment of women are integrated into their programming. The activities are: 1. Exploring Our Own Expertise About Gender and Diversity. 2. Social and Personal Identity Wheel. 3. Exploring Our Diversity. 4. The Story of Joana and Jona. 5. Choosing the sex of your child. 6. Ideal Man, Ideal Woman. 7. Pressures and Privileges of Being a Man/Woman. 8. Definitions. 9. The New Planet. 10. Group Activity. 11. Power Walk. 12. Power Role Play. 13. The Gender Equality Framework. 14.

 Pacific Data Hub

Two ‘Do No Harm’ guidance material kits have been developed by a team from the International Women’s Development Agency. The kits draw on key findings from the Do No Harm research project, conducted by the Australian National University in Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea.

The Do No Harm research explored the relationship between economic inclusion and empowerment programs, and violence against women. The key lessons learned from the research were that:

- Working with men is necessary.

 Pacific Data Hub

This trainer’s handbook sets out five half-day trainings in Family Business Management Training relevant to rural settings. The topics are:

- Exploring our household.

- Exploring how we work together.

- Managing money and coffee production.
•Decision making and household budgeting.

- Summary and planning for change.
It provides clear guidelines for trainers on activity objectives, key learning points and how to conduct each of the set daily activities.

 Pacific Data Hub

This toolkit is a step-by-step guide to every stage of the project cycle for projects targeted at ending violence against women – from basic concepts such as gender, human rights and project design through to needs assessments, workplans, data collection, media outreach, stakeholder relationships and monitoring and evaluation techniques. It incorporates a number of group activities, tips, templates and online resources, as well as a list of potential funding sources.

 Pacific Data Hub

In the Pacific region, there has been some significant progress towards achieving the SRHR goals embedded in international commitments. The number of Pacific Island countries with national population policies is steadily increasing and the integration of sexual and reproductive health into primary health programs has also improved. Reducing child mortality is an area where the Pacific region is doing particularly well, with 10 of the 14 Forum island countries on track to achieving this goal.

 Pacific Data Hub

This toolkit is a starting point for community organisations to mainstream gender into their work. It provides a straightforward and practical framework for gender mainstreaming and a clear process for applying it within an organisation. The toolkit assumes that the reader will have a basic understanding of the concepts of gender and gender equality. Gender mainstreaming involves working through a checklist of different components and putting practical actions in place to achieve them.

 Pacific Data Hub

Costing is an emerging area of research within efforts to address and prevent violence against women, whereby researchers and advocates are working to measure the economic impact of such violence, from both a specific financial point of view (unit costing) and a broader societal perspective (impact costing).

 Pacific Data Hub

The Australian Government’s ‘Gender Equality Thematic Strategy, Promoting opportunities for all’ identifies economic empowerment and livelihood security as Pillar 3 of the strategy because economic empowerment of women is fundamental to enabling women to live productive and meaningful lives. This guide covers development programming through direct investments and within mainstream investments.

Women’s economic empowerment can be improved through direct investments that:

 Pacific Data Hub

This toolkit was developed through the project ‘From Gender Based Violence to Gender Justice and Healing’ implemented by the Nazareth Centre for Rehabilitation in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville. It is designed to be used by Women Human Rights Defenders and Male Advocates when they facilitate gender equality and human rights based learning initiatives at the community level.

The sessions are:
Module 1 – Human Rights

- Biblical understanding of human rights.

- Melanesian perspectives of human rights.

- History of human rights.

 Pacific Data Hub

This toolkit presents an approach to assessing the cost impacts of gender-based violence on businesses in Papua New Guinea.

The costing methodology and tools consist of four core steps:

- A framing of gender-based violence definitions and scope.

- Partnership development and collection of background data.

- Fieldwork and feedback.

- A cost-calculation and presentation phase.

 Pacific Data Hub

The 2015 Bougainville General Election was significant for women’s political participation in Bougainville. It was only the third election to be held in Bougainville, and represented the greatest number of women candidates ever to stand. Thirty-five women contested, including 12 women who ran against men in open seats (the other 23 standing in the three seats reserved for women in the Bougainville House of Representatives).

 Pacific Data Hub

This handbook was initially prepared as a resource for the Candidate Capacity Strengthening Workshop organised by the Fiji Women’s Forum in June 2014. Following the workshop, the handbook was updated to include the experiences of women candidates who attended the workshop. The aim of the Workshop was to assist women candidates to campaign effectively for the September 2014 Fiji election. The Handbook includes comments from participants at a debriefing session following the 2014 elections and candidates interviewed by a Fiji Women’s Rights Movement researcher after the election.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

State of Environment (SoE) reports provide in-country partners with a process to gather data on current environmental indicators, document their status, and formulate a plan for keeping these indicators on track or developing policies and programs as needed. This SoE Toolkit dataset contains resources that serve as guides to help create up-to-date State of Environment reports.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

PNG HCV Toolkit