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 Pacific Data Hub

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 Pacific Data Hub

In January 1993, a SEAFRAME (Sea Level Fine Resolution Acoustic Measuring Equipment) gauge was installed in Nukualofa, Tonga. Readings(height observations) recorded from the gauge, is held in this record and provided in the form of Yearly Reports, Tide Prediction Calendars and Hourly Sea Level and meteorological data (update frequency- real time) from the Nukualofa station. This is downloadable from the Distribution Info Section of this metadata record.The gauge has been returning high resolution, good scientific quality data since its installation.

 Pacific Data Hub

In December 2001, a SEAFRAME (Sea Level Fine Resolution Acoustic Measuring Equipment) gauge was installed in Dekehtik, Pohnpei, FSM. Readings(height observations) recorded from the gauge, is held in this record and provided in the form of Yearly Reports, Tide Prediction Calendars and Hourly Sea Level and meteorological data (update frequency- real time) from the Pohnpei station. This is downloadable from the Distribution Info Section of this metadata record and dataset available in digital text format.

 Pacific Data Hub

In December 2001, a SEAFRAME (Sea Level Fine Resolution Acoustic Measuring Equipment) gauge was installed in Dekehtik, Pohnpei, FSM. Readings(height observations) recorded from the gauge, is held in this record and provided in the form of Yearly Reports, Tide Prediction Calendars and Hourly Sea Level and meteorological data (update frequency- real time) from the Pohnpei station. This is downloadable from the Distribution Info Section of this metadata record and dataset available in digital text format.

 Pacific Data Hub

This record holds the bathymetry chart of the Southern foreshore areas of Upolu, Samoa. The chart is the result of the multibeam bathymetry survey that was undertaken by the Applied Geoscience and Technology Division (SOPAC) of SPC around the islands of Savaii and Upolu for the EU-SOPAC Samoa Survey. High-resolution bathymetric mapping survey was carried out ,resulting in the acquisition of over 2754 line-km of MBES data for the whole of Samoa Survey.

 Pacific Data Hub

As part of the AusAID-sponsored South Pacific Sea Level and Climate Monitoring Project (“Pacific Project”) for the FORUM region, in response to concerns raised by its member countries over the potential impacts of an enhanced Greenhouse Effect on climate and sea levels in the South Pacific region, SEAFRAME (Sea Level Fine Resolution Acoustic Measuring Equipment) gauges have been installed in twelve forum countries. They record sea level, air and water temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind speed and direction.

 Pacific Data Hub

This project is sponsored by the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) and managed by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, Geoscience Australia and SOPAC.

 Pacific Data Hub

The 3 reports and 3 manuals contained here are the result of the training and symposium organised by the Korean Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources(KIGAM). This is part of the UNDP national project on, "Coastal Geological Mapping of Savaii Island, Samoa" Capacity building program.
Training session of two weeks were conducted in each year during the project. The symposium consists of oral presentation sessions and two days of field excursions.

This project was supported by the Ministry of Science Technology together with UNDP.

 Pacific Data Hub

This record holds the bathymetry chart of the Eastern foreshore areas around Savai, Samoa towards the North Western foreshore of Upolu Island, Apia. The chart is the result of the multibeam bathymetry survey that was undertaken by the Applied Geoscience and Technology Division (SOPAC) of SPC

 Pacific Data Hub

SEA Semester is a study-abroad programme operated in conjunction with Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute that offers students the chance to combine an academic challenge with the adventure of an extended research cruise under sail. The 25 March to 2 May, 2005, SEA cruise of SSV Robert C. Seamans departed from Honolulu, Hawaii, sailed south through Palmyra Atoll and the Line Islands (Kiribati) before returning, 5 weeks later, to Honolulu. A wide range of physical, chemical and biological variables were measured during the cruise.

 Pacific Data Hub

This records holds the 12 months Consolidated reports of the South Pacific Sea Level & Climate Monitoring Project. The reports provide a consolidated overview of the data collected, analysed and presented in the monthly data reports for the South Pacific Sea Level and Climate Monitoring Project (SPSLCMP).

 Pacific Data Hub

This records holds the 12 months Consolidated reports of the South Pacific Sea Level & Climate Monitoring Project. The reports provide a consolidated overview of the data collected, analysed and presented in the monthly data reports for the South Pacific Sea Level and Climate Monitoring Project (SPSLCMP).

 Pacific Data Hub

As part of the AusAID-sponsored South Pacific Sea Level and Climate Monitoring Project (“Pacific Project”) for the FORUM region, in response to concerns raised by its member countries over the potential impacts of an enhanced Greenhouse Effect on climate and sea levels in the South Pacific region, SEAFRAME (Sea Level Fine Resolution Acoustic Measuring Equipment) gauges have been installed in twelve forum countries. They record sea level, air and water temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind speed and direction.

 Pacific Data Hub

In September 1994, a SEAFRAME (Sea Level Fine Resolution Acoustic Measuring Equipment) gauge was installed in Manus Island, Papua New Guinea. Information recorded from the gauge, is held in this record and provided in the form of Yearly Reports, Tide Prediction Calendars and Hourly Sea Level and meteorological data from the Manus - Lombrum station.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Marshall Islands, officially the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI), is a Micronesian island nation in the western Pacific Ocean, located north of Nauru and Kiribati, east of the Federated States of Micronesia and south of the U.S. territory of Wake Island, to which it lays claim. The datasets describe the Multi beam bathymetry survey and a high-resolution bathymetric mapping of the seabed in the Majuro lagoon and some parts of the seabed around the atoll.

 Pacific Data Hub

This report describes a high-resolution bathymetric mapping survey of the seabed in the nearshore areas of Gizo, Honiara, Marovo and Noro in the Solomon Islands, by the Pacific
Islands Applied Geoscience Commission (SOPAC).

 Pacific Data Hub

Coastal geological and geomorphological mapping was done around Savai'i Island, Samoa. Four map sheets representing the 4 directional quarters of Savai'i island was produced and is available for download from its individual metadata entry with appropriate permission.This entry holds the project final report and collections of microphotographs and underwater pictures.
Aerial photographs taken in 1999 were mainly used for overall mapping. Satellite (Ikonos) images,
1:100,000-scale geology map and 1:50,000-scale topography maps were also used as supplementary data. In

 Pacific Data Hub

This record holds the Project Technical report for a High Resolution survey study that was completed for the State of Pohnpei, inshore and offshore in 2006.
Report describes work covered over the entire survey and includes three low resolution images of the charts produced.

 Pacific Data Hub

High-resolution bathymetric mapping survey was carried out for Kiribati Islands around Abaiang, Tarawa, Abemama, Banaba and Onotoa. The survey was carried out over a period of six weeks in September and October 2005, resulting in the acquisition of over 900 km of multibeam echo sounder (MBES) data. Resultant data compilation was used to produce bathymetry charts including Abaiang bathymetry chart and is available for download from its appropriate link under Distribution Info.