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 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

The Pacific islands have an extremely rich maritime heritage. The islands themselves were first populated by what are arguably the greatest mariners in human history. In pie-European times the Pacific islandersnavigated wooden canoes held together with coconut fibre across thousands of miles of open ocean, with
nothing but the stars and their intimate knowledge of the sea to aid navigation. Today, this seafaring tradition is continued, with several island countries, such as Kiribati and Tuvalu, being suppliers of seamento the regional and global shipping fleet.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

The Aleipata area surveyed includes .the south-eastern coast of Upolu Island, Western Samoa. The survey consisted of general descriptive ecology and morphology for the Aleipata coastal fringing reef and the
fringing reefs of the two detached islands, Nu'utele and Nu'ulua. The area behind the coastal fringing reef to the shoreline was a shallow (<4 m deep) area of sand, rubble, seagrass beds and mixed coral

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

Most South Pacific island countries are characterised by small land masses surrounded by vast stretches of ocean. As such the marine environment is an important resource base for
the people of these countries, with the livelihood of many people being closely connected with the sea. The potential for enhanced development and utilisation of
marine resources is considerable, particularly as the demand for resources increases and the land becomes limited in its capacity to fulfil this demand. It is therefore imperative that

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

The marine environment is an important resource base for the people of the South Pacific island countries. The livelihood of
many people in this region is closely connected with the sea. The potential for enhanced development and utilisation of
marine resources is considerable, particularly as the demand for resources increases and the land becomes limited in its capacity to fulfil
this demand. It is therefore imperative that appropriate measures are taken to safeguard the quality of the marine environment.

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 Environment and Policy Institute, East West Center

The idea for tills manual has roots in more than 25 years of work interpreting and transferring scientific and technical information for
use by policy and decisionmakers. I was privileged to take part in the formulation of the U.S. National Environmental Policy Act of 1969
while Chief of the Environmental Policy Division of the Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress. This law called for the
preparation of an environmental impact statement—an action-forcing provision aimed at American government officials. But the concept of

 International Union for Nature Conservation (IUCN)

Many societies have rules rooted in legal tradition that require the sustainable and efficient use of natural resources. The obligation of stewardship is a feature of
westernised legal systems. In nations following the common law tradition, the doctrine of waste requires owners of land to use it sustainably. Elsewhere, customary law systems
demand strict rules governing the allocation and use of resources. There is, therefore, an existing legal culture into which our generation's obligations towards the world's
resources can be set.

 South Pacific Commission

The Pacific Islands' biodiversity is unique. Over 50 per cent of the region's terrestrial plant species are found nowhere else on earth. The terrestrial animals include rich arrays of birds,
reptiles, land snails and insects. Its national and international waters include the world's most extensive and diverse reefs, the largest tuna fishery, the deepest oceanic trenches and
significant remaining populations of many globally threatened species including whales, turtles, dugongs and saltwater crocodiles.

Available online|Kept at Vertical File

 Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC)

This booklet is a vehicle for sharing knowledge between the islands of the Pacific Community about the basic fishery management measures that have been used in different places for regulating particularly important or potentially vulnerable species. Regulations should not be transferred verbatim from one area to another unless their situations are known to be similar. This booklet is not intended to promote any particular management measure or approach, but indicates the range of measures that have been used.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP),  Pacific Islands Renewable Energy Project (PIREP)

Environment The Solomon Islands is part to various treaties and conventions related to environmental protection, including the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Kyoto Protocol. A communication to UNFCCC, including greenhouse gas emissions and vulnerability to climate change, is expected to be submitted during 2004.

Available online|This report is based on data gathered by a PIREP team consisting of John Korinihone, Morgan Wairiu, John Vos and Peter Johnston

Call Number: 333.79415953 JOH (EL)

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP),  Pacific Islands Renewable Energy Project (PIREP)

The Republic of the Marshall Islands consists of two groups of atolls and islands: Ralik in the west and Ratak to the east, within a rectangle extending 1150 km north-south and 1300 km east- west. about 3200 kilometers from Honolulu and Tokyo. Twenty-two of 29 atolls, and four of the five small raised coral islands are inhabited. The islands are typically several km long and rarely over 200 meters in width.

 Asian Development Bank

The traditional way of life has been, of necessity, an ecologically sustainable one. With care of the environment essential for future generations to benefit from the resources.

 Cook Islands Environment Services / International Waters Programme (IWP) / SPREP,  Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

The watersheds of the Cook Islands provide residents and visitors with a wide range of environmental services such as the supply of drinking water, natural filtration of freshwater run-off, recreational opportunities and scenery. Whilst important the value of these services is not readily apparent in economic terms. This means they can easily be overlooked in decision making and policy formulation. There is a pressing need to better understand the economic value of the nation's watersheds to raise awareness and inform investment and regulatory decisions.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

Project monitoring is now a standard requirement in natural resource management programs, bringing opportunities for greater accountability, adaptive management and social learning. While

 Department of Lands, Surveys and Environment - Forest Resource Conservation Policy

This NFRCP provides the framework for the protection, conservation, sustainable use and management of Samoa's forest resources. With deforestation having severe impacts on the
environment, sustainable management and development of forest resources is a target environmental area or growing concern for Samoa. This policy will ensure deforestation and utilization of forest resources are sustainably managed for now and the future.

Kept in vertical file collection

Call Number: VF 6511 (EL)

Physical Description: 30 p. ; 29 cm

 The World Bank

Pacific Island communities are particularly vulnerable to natural disasters — ranging from tropical cyclones, drought, floods, storm surges and tsunamis. Each year, these events result in significant loss of life, the destruction of homes, public infrastructure and livelihoods and the reversal of hard-won economic gains. Recently, deadly tsunami and earthquake events in the Indian Ocean region have focused the attention of the world community, particularly those living in small islands and coastal regions, to the need for greater vigilance in disaster prevention and preparedness.

 World Bank

Of the many stakeholders and actors in Fiji, those that might be identified as key will vary depending on the issue involved and the circumstances surrounding it. Those discussed in this study have been identified because of their importance in relation to the major issues of current concern.

Call Number: VF 6518 (EL)

Physical Description: 80 p. ; 29 cm

 Papua New Guinea and Pacific Islands Country Management Unit

This paper seeks to explain the social and cultural characteristics of Samoa and to outline the ways in which they affect the course of Samoa's national development. It appears as a companion to the paper on Tonga in the series the two papers were prepared using a common conceptual framework, and readers interested in the contrasts between the two countries may wish
to read both papers.

A report of the World Bank

Call Number: VF 3308 (EL)

Physical Description: 59 p. ; 29 cm

 International Waters Programme (IWP) Solomons / SPREP,  Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

The term "environment" in the Environment Act, (No 8 of 1998), is defined as "all natural and social systems and their constituent parts, and the interaction of their constituent
parts, including people, communities and economic, aesthetic, culture and social factors". Human activities impact its natural and social environment in many ways. Where the activity

 The Nature Conservancy

Generally little is known of traditional systems of terrestrial forest management in Micronesia. What little we do know suggests a complex approach that has been developed over thousands of

 Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment & Meteorology

What stands out to you as you commute, or explore our beautiful peaceful Samoan island paradise which to many Europeans in years gone by meant Utopia? No, I am not referring to the hundreds of churches, some mock Baroque, and Gothic inspired, found throughout the isles. Instead, I have seen how tidy our people have become over the last decade or so. In this regard I salute and applaud them, well, especially those villages and urban communities which have embraced our Government's 'Keep Samoa Clean' awareness campaign.

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