8924 results
 Pacific Data Hub

The hydrogen sulphide (H2S), paper-strip test

 Pacific Data Hub

Coastal hazards and associated management issues on South Pacific Islands

 Pacific Data Hub

Seabed resources and maritime boundaries in the Southwest Pacific

 Pacific Data Hub

Results of comparisons of 1983 CCOP/SOPAC bathymetry data with earlier bathymetric surveys in Rabul harbour

 Pacific Data Hub

Special issue: Western Solomon sea and region, part ii

 Pacific Data Hub

Special issue: Western Solomon sea and region, Part 1

 Pacific Data Hub

Seabed rsources and maritime boundaries in the Southwest Pacific, August 1988

 Pacific Data Hub

Coastal geology and hazards of Niue

 Pacific Data Hub

Visit to Rarotonga and Aitutaki, Southern Cook Islands, 21-30 March 1995

 Pacific Data Hub

Coastal erosion in South Tarawa, Kiribati

 Pacific Data Hub

Coastal stability and sand transport, Aitutaki, Southern Cook Islands, September 1995

 Pacific Data Hub

Coastal sedimentation and shore processes, Natadola beach, Viti Levu, Fiji

 Pacific Data Hub

Shore-zone sand and gravel resources of South Tarawa: a preliminary assessment of selected sites; September 1996

 Pacific Data Hub

Executive summary, "ocean resources investigation in the sea area of SOPAC report on the joint basic study for the development of resources, volume 5, sea area of the Republic of Kiribati

 Pacific Data Hub

Executive summary, ocean resources investigation in the sea area of SOPAC, report on the joint basic study for the development of resources", volume 2: sea area of the Republic of Kiribati

 Pacific Data Hub

Bibliography of published and unpublished work in the Lau basin from 1985 to early 1991

 Pacific Data Hub

Report on the economic potential of manganese nodules in the waters of Kiribati including the Gilbert, Phoenix and Line Island groups

 Pacific Data Hub

Ocean minerals - prospects for South Pacific Islands, May 1989

 Pacific Data Hub

Sampling cruise of the Haurei Maru no.2 for manganese nodules and cobalt crusts in the Gilbert Islands area of Kiribati, November 1991

 Pacific Data Hub

Acoustic imaging, seismic and coring study of the Western Solomon sea collision zone, Huon gulf, Papua New Guinea, May 1993