128 results
 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority
… PNG is endowed with rich natural resources and culture and is known as one of the cultural and mega biodiversity hotspots globally. Located on the …
 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme
… current environmental indicators, document their status, and formulate a plan for keeping these indicators on track or developing policies and programs as needed. This SoE Toolkit dataset contains … soe … soe template … soe indicators … toolkit … Atmosphere and Climate … Land … Biodiversity … Built Environment … …
 Marshall Islands Environmental Protection Authority (RMIEPA)
… regulation … sewage disposal regulation … marine water quality … public water supply regulation … eia … environmental impact … development regulation … pesticide regulation … Atmosphere and Climate … Land … Biodiversity … Built Environment … …
 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority
… want a responsible sustainable use of the natural and cultural resources of the country for the benefit of the present and future generations. The central theme of this new … current unsustainable growth strategy that it is following and towards a road map that is truly responsible, sustainable …
… 1: Environmental Governance Component 2: Monitoring and field data collection for environmental standards and standardised environmental indicators Component 3: Data management utilising the Pacific Island Network Portal (PEP). …
 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme
… as: *The expression of a common sense of identity and purpose, leading progressively to the sharing of institutions, resources, and markets, with the purpose of complementing national efforts, overcoming common constraints, and enhancing sustainable and inclusive development within …
 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority
… ENVIRONMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM. … … PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority … cepa … cepa … forms … Land … Biodiversity … Built Environment … Coastal and Marine … Culture and Heritage … Inland Waters …
 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority
… has become more than a challenge. 1. Extracting of Data and Overlaying Issues 2. Internal CEPA Databases … … PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority … challenges … sdg reporting … Atmosphere and Climate … Land … Biodiversity … Coastal and Marine … …
 Pohnpei State NGO
… (MCT) to rehabilitate the copra industry to support Vital and MCT's commitment to improve the livelihoods of the people … the buying, selling, exporting, manufacturing, processing, and distribution of copra and other products from coconut trees in the FSM. New …
 The Nature Conservancy
… Area Network, 3) Yap State's Protected Area Network, and 4) Kosrae State's Protected Area Network. The reports … area network … pohnpei … chuuk … yap … kosrae … Atmosphere and Climate … Land … Biodiversity … Coastal and Marine … Culture and Heritage … Inland Waters …
 Asian Development Bank
… … asia … Land … Biodiversity … Built Environment … Coastal and Marine … Culture and Heritage … Inland Waters …
 PNG Department of Education
… society. This is a right for all children, both boys and girls, in Papua New Guinea as stated in the National … development of all people to provide them with the skills and knowledge to improve their quality of life. … … PNG … … png … Land … Biodiversity … Built Environment … Coastal and Marine … Culture and Heritage … Inland Waters …
 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority
… Report for Papua New Guinea 2010 … … PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority … 2010 … mdg … Atmosphere and Climate … Land … Biodiversity … Coastal and Marine … Culture and Heritage … Inland Waters …
 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority
… Vol 1. Policy Statement to Promoting a Viable Population and Environment within the Paradigm of Responsible Sustainable Development. … … PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority … growth rates … Land … Biodiversity … Built Environment … Coastal and Marine … Culture and Heritage … Inland Waters …
 PNG Department of National Planning & Monitoring
… POLICY PROPOSALS FOR OPEN AND ACCOUNTABLE GOVERNMENT … … PNG Department of National … … png … Land … Biodiversity … Built Environment … Coastal and Marine … Culture and Heritage … Inland Waters …
 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority
… ENVIRONMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM. … … PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority … cepa … cepa … forms … Land … Biodiversity … Built Environment … Coastal and Marine … Culture and Heritage … Inland Waters …
… Inform: Helping to strengthen governance and decision making through addressing gaps in environmental … include: Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Kiribati, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Nauru, … islands have been facing challenges with information management, including the need for standard procedures, …
 Chuuk State Government
… vehicles; importation of vehicles with 100k mileage, and so forth. … … Chuuk State Government … abandoned … … … act … law … chuuk state … ban … plastic ban … Atmosphere and Climate … Biodiversity … Built Environment … Coastal and Marine … Culture and Heritage … Inland Waters …
 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority
… Environmental Agreements, Sustainable Development Goals and Aichi Targets … … PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority … gef goals … … sustainable development goals … aichi targets … Atmosphere and Climate … Land … Biodiversity … Built Environment … …
 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority
… national environment data portals … … PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority … Atmosphere and Climate … Land … Biodiversity … Built Environment … Coastal and Marine … Culture and Heritage … Inland Waters …