3061 results
 Pacific Data Hub

Report on a trip to Tonga for the hydrocarbon programme, 15-17 August 1990

 Pacific Data Hub

Hydrocarbon potential of the Lau ridge: Reid reef to Ogea Levu Island

 Pacific Data Hub

Report of the activities of the hydrocarbon group, CCOP/SOPAC, May 1988

 Pacific Data Hub

Pacific islands energy ministers conference, 10-12 August 1988, Honolulu, Hawaii

 Pacific Data Hub

Report on the regional demand side management workshop, designing intelligent energy use programmes, 31 July - 2 August 2006, Tokatoka Hotel, Nadi, Fiji Islands

 Pacific Data Hub

Hands-on sub-regional workshop on gender mainstreaming in rural energy development, Maiana and North Tarawa, Kiribati, 11-18 October 2007

 Pacific Data Hub

CocoGen, feasibility study into the use of coconut oil fuel in EPC power generation

 Pacific Data Hub

Coconut oil as a biofuel in Pacific Islands - challenges and opportunities

 Pacific Data Hub

CocoGen, feasibility study into the use of coconut oil fuel in EPC power generation

 Pacific Data Hub

Energy mission to the Cook Islands, 01 - 12 November 2004

 Pacific Data Hub

SOPAC's participation and contribution to the 13th Pacific Power Association annnual conference, PPA engineers workshop & trade exhibition, 9-13 August 2004, Warwick, Fiji Islands

 Pacific Data Hub

Report on Pacific attendance at & notes on the "international conference on biofuels", 5-6 July 2007, European Union, Brussels, Belgium

 Pacific Data Hub

Demand side management training with the Fiji Department of Energy and Fiji Electricity Authority, 2-13 February 2004

 Pacific Data Hub

Coconut oil as a biofuel in Pacific Islands - challenges and opportunities

 Pacific Data Hub

Report of energy mission to Vanuatu, 26 July - 09 August 2005

 Pacific Data Hub

Demand side management training with the Fiji Department of Energy and Fiji Electricity Authority, 2-13 February 2004

 Pacific Data Hub

Energy mission to the Cook Islands, 01 - 12 November 2004

 Pacific Data Hub

SOPAC's participation and contribution to the 13th Pacific Power Association annnual conference, PPA engineers workshop & trade exhibition, 9-13 August 2004, Warwick, Fiji Islands

 Pacific Data Hub

Report on the regional demand side management workshop, designing intelligent energy use programmes, 31 July - 2 August 2006, Tokatoka Hotel, Nadi, Fiji Islands

 Pacific Data Hub

Report on Pacific attendance at & notes on the "international conference on biofuels", 5-6 July 2007, European Union, Brussels, Belgium