3061 results
 Pacific Data Hub
  1. Economic Policy, Planning and Statistics Office (EPPSO)  - Office of the President: http://www.eppso.org/#!other-links/c1b3i
  2. EPPSO on SPC PRISM Website: http://rmi.prism.spc.int/
  3. Marshalls Energy Company (MEC): http://mecrmi.net/
 Pacific Data Hub

Following expression of interest from several Forum Island Countries for assistance in assessing their wind resource, the Forum Secretariat initiated the South Pacific Wind and Solar Monitoring Project in 1993. The goal of the project was to establish at a suitable site in each participating country, a wind and solar radiation monitoring system for evaluating the potential of wind power for main grid electricity generation and to record and analyse wind and solar energy data for a period of 2 years.

 Pacific Data Hub

A study funded by the Secretariat of the Pacific Islands Forum (an inter-governmental organisation that aims to enhance cooperation between the independent countries of the Pacific region) using a 30-metre wind measurement mast was carried out from 1995–1997.

 Pacific Data Hub

No systematic wind resource measurements have been carried out in Palau over the years, though they are being planned. Based on measurements made for climate records, it appears unlikely that wind energy can be a significant resource for power generation. However, since wind power is very site-specific, proper assessment is needed. Wind energy measurements using well instrumented 30-metre masts are planned to commence in 2013 and a proper wind map of the main islands should be available by 2015. Source: IRENA Country Lighthouse Report

 Pacific Data Hub

There is a moderate seasonal wind resource in the RMI, with perhaps sufficient wind for energy development in the northernmost islands. However, there is very little data on wind conditions and none specifically designed for assessing its energy potential. It would be worthwhile assessing the wind energy potential for Majuro and Ebeye, where power demands are high. In 2012, two 34-metre wind resource assessment masts were installed in the outer islands to monitor and collect wind data. Source: IRENA Country Lighthouse Report

 Pacific Data Hub

A limited wind resource assessment has been carried out in Yap and sufficiently high wind areas have been located on the main island that may allow cost effective power generation. Detailed assessments were planned for 2013 at two high-wind sites, one close to Colonia, Yap, and the other at Tonowas, in Chuuk. The resource in these areas is seasonal and, based on weather measurements, appears modest, but there may be areas of sufficient wind to support a cost-effective installation. Source: IRENA Country Lighthouse Report.

 Pacific Data Hub

There is very limited data on wind energy potential in Vanuatu. A Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat project monitored wind speeds at a site on Efate in the mid-1990s, finding average speeds of 5.0 m/s in 1995 and 4.2 m/s in 1996, well below the 6 m/s generally considered to be necessary for economic electricity production. However, only 63% of data was recovered in 1996, so these results should be treated with caution.

 Pacific Data Hub

Eight sites in Fiji have been collecting long-term wind data with mast heights varying from 10 to 48 metres (m). Ideal wind energy measurements are made at a minimum of 30 m, although 50 m is preferred. Future wind measurement installations are to be all at 50 m. So far, measurements near the grid indicate that Fiji’s wind speeds offer marginal benefits for energy generation compared to the FEA’s historical generation costs. Some sites should be cost-effective for wind power installations given the FEA’s marginal costs for investments in new diesel generators. 

 Pacific Data Hub
  • PIGGAREP financed wind resources monitoring underway for Upolu and Savaii and resource assessment undertaken for Upolu.
  • EPC is conducting an ongoing assessment of Samoa’s wind energy potential. Masts for 10 metre and 30 metre measurements were installed at the Afuilo hydro site and at Aleipata on the coast.
 Pacific Data Hub

The Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat’s wind and solar monitoring project is the main long-term data source for Rarotonga wind energy and is used to estimate wind regimes of other islands. At Ngatangila Point, Rarotonga, wind data recovery was 100% during two years of monitoring. The annual average wind speed was 5.5 m/s. The highest hourly and daily averages were 17.7 m/s and 14.0 m/s respectively.

 Pacific Data Hub

FSM solar data is available for download from the IRENA Global Atlas for Renewable Energy at the following links below:

 Pacific Data Hub
  • Report 1 - Feasibility of Resources and Sites for Waste-to-Energy Power Generation in Fiji.
  • Report 2 - Waste to Energy Resource Assessment in Fiji.
 Pacific Data Hub

Energy Resource Inventory of Fiji:

  • Solar energy source
  • Hydro energy source
  • Wind energy source
  • Biomass energy source
 Pacific Data Hub

This record captures Tuvalu petroleum product imports for the period 2006 - 2014.  Data is captured monthly and by fuel type: Diesel (ADF) Unleaded petrol (ULP, also known as benzene at the retailers) Kerosene - dual purpose kerosene (DPK).

Data was sourced by the Tuvalu Department of Energy directly from the fuel importers and aggregated here by fuel type. Listed below are the various importing parties by Tuvalu over the years:

 Pacific Data Hub

Data captures Samoa 2009, 2011 & 2013 vehicle imports. Data originally captured by the Samoa Customs Office and sourced through the Samoa Statistics Office. Dataset captures the following details: HS tariff codes of imported vehicles, description, country of export, quantity, and CIF. The remaining years of data will be updated soon.

 Pacific Data Hub

This report is part of the climatic study for Tonga, and describes the comparison of wind and wave data available for Tonga area. The climatic study in the SOPAC region is part of the Norwegian assistance to SOP AC for the period 1992 - 1993. The location of the area is shown on Figure 1. The goal of the study is to find correction factor that can be used to include the U.K. Met. office model data for wind and waves in the measured data series for the area.

 Pacific Data Hub

“This report is an outcome of a series of studies conducted under the framework of the Pacific Islands Renewable Energy Project (PIREP).”

 Pacific Data Hub

The following captures the monthly electricity billing rates for American Samoa for the period 2015 from January to December

 Pacific Data Hub

Following captures noted announcement on tarriff adjuctments in 2018

 Pacific Data Hub

Following captures noted announcement on tarriff adjuctments in 2017