391 results
 Pacific Data Hub
Fiji RRA report provides overview of Fijis energy sector and … the general enabling environment for increase RE uptake in Fiji i.e. grid-based geothermal energy, solar PV, biomass, … efficient vessels/renewable power for maritime transport.  Fiji is identified by the Geothermal Energy Association as …
 Pacific Data Hub
… report of the grid connected solar pv project in the Fiji Islands. … … Pacific Data Hub … Built Environment …
 Pacific Data Hub
… following captures the full IPP rates as endorsed by the Fiji competition commision in 2014. … … Pacific Data Hub … …
 Pacific Data Hub
… captures the quarterly fuel wholesale and retail prices in Fiji for the period 2020 … … Pacific Data Hub … and … fuel … …
 Pacific Data Hub
… captures the quarterly fuel wholesale and retail prices in Fiji for the period 2019 … … Pacific Data Hub … and … fuel … …
 Pacific Data Hub
… captures the quarterly fuel wholesale and retail prices in Fiji for the period 2018. … … Pacific Data Hub … and … fuel … …
 Pacific Data Hub
… captures the quarterly fuel wholesale and retail prices in Fiji for the period 2017. … … Pacific Data Hub … Built …
 Pacific Data Hub
… and Sites for Waste-to-Energy Power Generation in Fiji. keywords: resource, waste, biomass, Fiji … … Pacific Data Hub … Built Environment …
 Pacific Data Hub
… This record holds 2 concept notes that were submitted by Fiji for the ACSE Programme implementation: Planned … Change Adaptation. Total requested budget - FJD 1,091,000. Fiji Sustainable Energy Hybrid Power Project (FSEHPP). …
 Pacific Data Hub
… This Report, provides the status of Fiji’s implementation as regards the Millennium Development … was timely as it coincided with the Mid Term Review of Fiji’s SDP 2003-2005 whereby the MDG indicators were also … sectors as part of the SDP review.  The Report contains Fiji’s development trends; and progress made and constraints …
 Pacific Data Hub
… from the Government, the UNDP or the World Bank. Fiji's performance in the energy sector has been remarkably … the findings of an energy assessment mission which visited Fiji in December 1982. … … Pacific Data Hub … Built …
 Pacific Data Hub
… the renewable energy potential of the offshore areas of Fiji, baseline data is needed to assist in the evaluation of … To produce baseline data on the inshore waters in Fiji area to assist investigations into the use of various …
 Pacific Data Hub
… This survey was conducted by the Fiji Department of Energy (FDOE) with funds provided by …
 Pacific Data Hub

This report was prepared by Sokoveti Namoumou for Office for the Promotion of Renewable Energy Technologies Department of Energy. The report is based on the socioeconomic survey carried out as part of the activity for the GEF/UNDP funded project on Promoting Sustainability of Rural Renewable Energy Service Companies and Renewable Energy Technologies. The aim of this survey is to:

 Pacific Data Hub
… in the energy sector by around 30% from BAU by 2030 Fiji submitted their Intended nationally determined … Keywords: INDC, NDC, RE, renewable energy, target, Fiji, NAMA, mitigation, climate change, adaptation, …
 Pacific Data Hub
… and associated descriptions captured in the Energy Fiji Limited (EFL) elelctricity bill. EFL formerly used tobe called Fiji elelctricity Authority (FEA) … … Pacific Data Hub … …
 Pacific Data Hub
… report was prepared by Hebert Wade for OPRET under the Fiji Department of Energy. A Renewable Energy Service Company …
 Pacific Data Hub
Fiji Country Energy Security Indicator Profile 2009 … … …
 Pacific Data Hub
…   Keywords - Fiji, Fiji Electricity Authority, FEA, 2015 Annual report … … …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Keywords - Fiji, Fiji Electricity Authority, FEA, 2016 Annual report … … …