3061 results
 Pacific Data Hub

Data captures electrification level of schools in the Solomon Islands as of 2015. Data provided by the Ministry of Education via Mr Mike Haukaria. Dataset is captured in excel format providing the following information:

  • List of primary and secondary schools
  • Schools that has access to power
  • Schools that have no access to power
 Pacific Data Hub

This record captures Vanuatu monthly merchandise trade reports. Data is classified into imports for home consumption, exports, imports for re-export and re-export. Data captured in annexes includes:

 Pacific Data Hub

Record captures Vanuatu quarterly statistics indicators, published annually by the Vanuatu Statistics Office (VNSO) from 2013 - 2015. Report contains a wide range of statistics, collected and processed by the VNSO from a variety of sources. Energy data of interest in this report include:

 Pacific Data Hub

Record captures Vanuatu fuel imports for the period 2010 - 2015. Data was provided by the Vanuatu National Statistics Office (NSO), sourced from the Customs Database. Data is captured by tariff code description, by year, weight (in thousand litres) and value (in million Vatu). This data is not yet tagged by HS Code, as request is still pending with the NSO.  Data is provided here as it is provided to SPC by the NSO.

 Pacific Data Hub

Record of Registered Vehicles in Port Villa and Lunganville only for vehicle categories belonging to motorcars, Pick-Ups, Trucks, Bus and motor-cycle. Data records provided are annually only from 2000 -2011.

 Pacific Data Hub

Following folder captures tariff rates for UNELCO in Vanuatu. Data sourced from the URA website. Electricity tariff rates in the spreadsheet is available from 2000 - 2014. 

 Pacific Data Hub

This dataset was compiled for the Vanuatu Energy Road map. Dataset captures the vehicle imports for Vanuatu by Description, HS Code, Value, Weight of the vehicle and Quantity. Dataset provided is accumulated by year only with no specific mention of the products imported by dates.

 Pacific Data Hub

Vanuatu tariff code description. Report only for Chapter 27 on mineral fuels, oils, gases, bituminous substances and waxes.

 Pacific Data Hub

Record captures Tuvalu gas imports for 2012 - 2013. Data captured by date of arrival, name of ship, and volume of gas (12kg, 55kg, tank-tainers)entering Tuvalu. Data is submitted by the Tuvalu Department of Energy (DOE) to SPC via the PRDR data sharing arrangement. DOE collects the data from the Customs Office, by ship record and not by HS Codes.  2014 data is awaiting clarification with the Tuvalu DOE.

 Pacific Data Hub

This record captures 2012 -  2014 petroleum product imports for Tonga. Data is sourced from the 2012 -  2014 Tonga International Merchandise Trade Report. Selected petroleum product imports are extracted with the exception of bitumin, peat, gases excluding petroleum gas. types of petroleum fuel (diesel, petrol, jet fuel , avgas), gases, and lubricants. Products captured here are from Section 5 of the HS Code Manual - Mineral Products, Chapter 27, HS Codes : 2701, 2706 - 2713, 3403 (lubricants). 

 Pacific Data Hub

This record captures renewable energy projects in Tonga from 1991 - 2010 for solar and wind projects. Data is sourced from the Tonga Energy Planning Unit and was used for the Tonga INDC compilation. Dataset captures the photovoltaic (PV) utilization in Tonga in terms of PV capacity installed by:

  • Energy Planning Unit,
  • water pumping 
  • Private and other intiatives - hotels, business, home systems

Data is attached here as it was provided to SPC in 2015.

 Pacific Data Hub

Dataset captures the overall petroleum products imported into Tonga from 2007 - 2011. Products captured include all petroleum products i.e. diesel, motor spirit, kerosene, LPG, and Lubricants. Data is captured by date of entry, country of origin, description of the goods, unit, quantity and CIF value. Data is produced by the Tonga Customs Office with sensitive information removed. Data was provided by the Tonga Energy Roadmap Implementation Unit (TERM IU) Office. 2007 data set is lacking the description of the fuel, however data becomes more detailed with the recent years.

 Pacific Data Hub

This record captures a comparison of Tongas electricity tariff against diesel whole price for the period 2001 - 2014.  Electricity tariffs are captured on a quarterly and monthly period. Data was sourced from the Tonga Power Limited (TPL) via the Tonga Energy Roadmap - Implementation Unit (TERM IU, Feleti). Data is attached here as it was provided to SPC.

 Pacific Data Hub

This record captures the petroleum & gas wholesale price and retail price for Tonga from 2001 - 2012. Data source is the Tonga Competent Authority, provided to SPC by the Tonga Energy Roadmap Implementation Unit (TERM IU) in 2014. Data is attached here as it was provided to SPC. Dataset captures the prices for kerosene, LPG, distillate fuel and unleaded petrol.

 Pacific Data Hub

Solar energy data in Kiribati for the years 1992, 1994, 2004 - 2013. Datasets captures the Solar Home Systems (SHS) and Solar Maneaba Systems (SMS) installed and total Watt peak (100 Wp) for solar energy by island and installation per year. This are the solar systems installed by JICA (1992), EDF 8 and EDF9 Projects, funded by the European Union. Data compiled by the Kiribati Energy Planning Unit from the records with the Kiribati Solar Energy Company (KSEC).

 Pacific Data Hub

Solar data Motufoua Secondary School - Vaitupu Island. Project completed in 2009. Data compiled by Tuvalu Electricity Corporation (TEC) for the production of Tuvalu Energy Statistics Booklet.

 Pacific Data Hub

Record captures 2013 Samoa registered vessels by Class (A, C, D, E) and total numbers.  Data is provided by the Samoa Energy Office and sourced from the Samoa Ministry of Fisheries. Users may need to refer to the Shipping Regulations of Samoa for more information on the Vessels Classes. Data may contain technical inaccuracies or typological errors. Information may be changed or updated without notice by Samoa Energy Office or Ministry of Fisheries.

 Pacific Data Hub

This record captures utility data for Samoa from 2011 - 2013. Data is sourced from the Electric Power Corporation (EPC) via the Ministry of Finance - Division of Energy. Data captures generation from diesel and solar production, fuel consumption, peak load and minimum load, annual sales and production for both Upolu and Savaii grids. Data may contain technical inaccuracies or typological errors. Information may be changed or updated without notice by EPC or Energy Office.

 Pacific Data Hub

Samoa transport data. Data collected by Mr Herbet Wade, consultant for the SPREP PIGGAREP Project.  Data collected in 2012, purpose of project is to collect transport data of all sectors & determine how renewable sources & ultimately technology can be used to offset fuel imports. Record holds several attachments on :

  • Samoa Shipping Corporation Ships
  • Local aircraft's
 Pacific Data Hub

This record holds RMI vehicle imports for 2006 - 2012. Data was provided by RMI Customs via Energy Planning Division. Vehicle imports are categorised by USED, BRAND NEW and the Total Imported Vehicles.