2831 results
 Cook Islands National Environment Service

This report looks at plant genetic resources for traditional food production and consumption in Cook Islands. It was published in September 2008 by the Food and Agriculture Organization.

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

Planning resource for integrated action planning for the management of the Cook Islands marine environment

 Pacific Data Hub

De la Rúa L., Pacific Community. 2020. QGIS for Census and Survey Mapping: training manual. Noumea, New Caledonia: Pacific Community. Statistics for Development Division. ii, 101 p.

 Nauru Department of Commerce,  Industry and Environment

This is the 2018 NIEP developed by DCIE with support from SPREP, UNEP, UNDP. The NIEP is a 5 year implementation plan to address environmental issues.

 Nauru Department of Commerce,  Industry and Environment

A short article about a site that was marked by Father Kayser and used by the Japanese as a bunker. In view of listing as a heritage site.

 Nauru Department of Commerce,  Industry and Environment

Government legislation

 Nauru Department of Commerce,  Industry and Environment

Photocopy article by Vigors Earle published in Walkabout (Sept. 1st, 1941)

 Marshall Islands Environmental Protection Authority (RMIEPA)

Dataset with a combined document of environmental regulations of RMI

 Climate Change Directorate

Outrigger Canoes, Social Change, and Modern Life in the Marshall Islands. 2010.

 Marshall Islands Environmental Protection Authority (RMIEPA)

This report identifies the records on traditional Marshallese fishing techniques

 Climate Change Directorate

The RMI NAP process commenced after the 2050 Climate Strategy for RMI was published in September 2018. The 2050 Climate Strategy dealt mainly with mitigation issues with emissions targets for the Nationally Determined Contributions but also called for the urgent development of a National Adaptation Plan to provide for a balanced dialogue on RMI priorities for mitigation activity for reducing emissions and adaptation activity for addressing the potentially critical impacts of climate change.

 Marshall Islands Environmental Protection Authority (RMIEPA)

Data about community awareness activities

 Marshall Islands Conservation Society

The official Local Early Action plan created by the Mejit Local Resource Committee and community members. This was done as a part of the community's implementation of the Reimaanlok process. The Local Early Action Plan identifies communities values resources, threats to those resources, and potential solutions and actions the community could implement to address those threats.

 Climate Change Directorate

Reports submitted by the RMI to the UN Human Rights Council.

 Pacific Data Hub

* Collection start: 1943
* Collection end: 1943

 Pacific Data Hub

* Collection start: 1944
* Collection end: 1944