6730 results
 Pacific Data Hub
… Internet access and pricing in Fiji (initiatives for small island states) … … Pacific Data …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Internet access and pricing in Fiji (initiatives for small island states) … … Pacific Data …
 Pacific Data Hub
… A review of flooding in Macuata Province, Fiji Islands, April 2000 … … Pacific Data Hub … …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Grid-connected solar PV project - Fiji Islands, final project report … … Pacific Data Hub … …
 Pacific Data Hub
… of the biofuel projects in Taveuni and Vanua Balavu, Fiji Islands … … Pacific Data Hub … energy … Built Environment …
 Pacific Data Hub
Fiji: household income and expenditure survey (HIES), report …
 Pacific Data Hub
Fiji: household income and expenditure survey (HIES), report …
 Pacific Data Hub
… bathymetric and seismic survey of Tovulailai Bay, Nairai, Fiji (RESTRICTED) … … Pacific Data Hub … sopac-commission … …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Office for the Promotion of Renewable Energy Technologies Fiji Department of Energy. The objective of this report is to …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Mario R. 2008. Report on the Fiji National consultation workshop on the development of an … project for land transportation, Tradewinds Hotel, Suva, Fiji Islands, 7-8 November 2005. Suva, Fiji: South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission. 39 p. … … …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Tawake A. 2010. Fiji technical report, river aggregate assessment in Nakavu … Sigatoka and the Sigatoka sand dunes, South Viti Levu, Fiji, April 2009. Suva, Fiji: South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission. 88 p. … … …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Each year, businesses and the public sector in Fiji are losing an average of 12.7 workdays per employee due … job. The challenge of working and raising children in Fiji affects the choices they make about: the type of work … workforce in particular, which is already a challenge in Fiji with just 37 percent of women formally employed in Fiji, …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Issues Consultant (EIC).  The aim is to assess local ( Fiji ) sources of commercial finance for Renewable Energy …
 Pacific Data Hub
… commercial beche-de-mer (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) in Fiji. SPC Fisheries Newsletter 18:13-17. … … Pacific Data Hub …
 Pacific Data Hub
… and Expenditure Survey 1977: survey methodology. Suva, Fiji: Bureau of Statistics. 176 p. … … Pacific Data Hub … …
 Environment Consultants
… Nearly all land in Fiji is communally owned and permission was needed to survey …
 Pacific Data Hub
Fiji technical report, river aggregate assessment in Nakavu … Sigatoka and the Sigatoka sand dunes, South Viti Levu, Fiji, April 2009 … … Pacific Data Hub … …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Report on the Fiji National consultation workshop on the development of an … project for land transportation, Tradewinds Hotel, Suva, Fiji Islands, 7-8 November 2005 … … Pacific Data Hub … energy …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Report on the Fiji National consultation workshop on the development of an … project for land transportation, Tradewinds Hotel, Suva, Fiji Islands, 7-8 November 2005 … … Pacific Data Hub … …
 Pacific Data Hub
… report is part of work commissioned by the UNDP to help Fiji meet its Renewable Energy Power Project (FREPP) goals.  … c) and proposes renewable energy support mechanisms for Fiji. It adds to the previous reports on ‘Review of Existing Subsidy and Incentive Schemes - Fiji’ and ‘Review of International Renewable Energy Support …