12177 results
 Pacific Data Hub
… South Pacific Albacore Research Workshop, Suva, Fiji, 14 - 16 June 1989. 5 p. … … Pacific Data Hub … albacore-fisheries … gillnetting … Coastal and Marine …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Reduction Programme (SPDRP) 2001. National disaster management plan and emergency procedures - Samoa, 1997. Suva, Fiji: South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission. 43 p. … … …
 Pacific Data Hub
… reports on an assessment of the existing biogas program in Fiji in 2006.   A Biogas Expert from AGAMA Energy, a South Africa consulting firm was recruited by the Fiji Department of Energy to undertake the assessment of the Biogas Programme and also develop appropriate frameworks for implementation …
 Pacific Data Hub
… This record holds, GIS layers that contains poly-lines and point features that represent the maritime boundaries of the Fiji Islands. This includes a gazetted polyline representing … the 200 nautical mile Exclusive Economic Zone over which Fiji has sovereign rights, for the purposes of exploring and
 Pacific Data Hub
… Mission Report – second national disaster risk management council engagement and introduction to disaster management training, Nauru, 6-17 November 2011 … … Pacific …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Mission Report – second national disaster risk management council engagement and introduction to disaster management training, Nauru, 6-17 November 2011 … … Pacific …
 Pacific Data Hub
… K., Ropeti E., Tafileichig A. 2008. Development of a management plan for Yap's sea cucumber fishery. SPC … 28:7-13. … … Pacific Data Hub … sea-cucumbers … Coastal and Marine …
… This study identifies the impacts of domestic and sexual violence on Fijian employees and employers. It was conducted to inform the development of tailored solutions for the business community in Fiji. … …
 Pacific Data Hub
… T., Hunter J., Cavakiqali L. 2011. Sandfish culture in Fiji Islands. SPC Beche-de-Mer Information Bulletin 31:3-11. … … Pacific Data Hub … sea-cucumbers … Coastal and Marine …

This report (originally written in 2004) was produced by SPREP’s International Waters Project, which is implementing the Strategic Action Programme for the International Waters of the Pacific Small Island Developing States, with funding from
the Global Environment Facility.

 Pacific Data Hub
… Across Pacific Island Countries, projects and policies are incorporating objectives related to managing … resources for their livelihoods. Through fieldwork in Ba, Fiji, local insights were generated concerning the … from this research which are important for guiding management of landscape multifunctionality. In Ba, …
… Gerber, Federica. 2010. An economic assessment of drinking water safety planning, Koror-Airai, Palau. SOPAC Technical Report 440. Suva: Ocean and Islands Program, SOPAC. … pdf … 114676 …
 Pacific Data Hub
… The scope of Fiji 1976 PHC includes: - Demographic information - Education … 1976 * Collection end: 1976 … … Pacific Data Hub … Culture and Heritage …
 Pacific Data Hub
… SPC, LMMA, UOW. 2021. Scaling-up community-based fisheries management in the Pacific region [Information Paper]. Noumea, … Pacific Community. 4 p. … … Pacific Data Hub … Coastal and Marine …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Fisheries Division, MAF. 2015. Samoa sea cucumber fisheries management and development plan. Noumea, New Caledonia: Secretariat of … … … Pacific Data Hub … fisheries … sea-cucumbers … Coastal and Marine …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Community/Land Resources Division: overview of current and future support. Suva, Fiji: Pacific Community. 4 p. … … Pacific Data Hub … agriculture … forests-and-forestry … Land … Biodiversity …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Community/Land Resources Division: overview of current and future support. Suva, Fiji: Pacific Community. 4 p. … … Pacific Data Hub … agriculture … forests-and-forestry … Land … Biodiversity …
 Pacific Data Hub
… The 1966 Fiji Population Census covered the following topics: - … belonging to the household … … Pacific Data Hub … Culture and Heritage …
… the mean levels of chlorophyll in mg/m3 for the surface water layer. The data are available for global-scale … pre-processed global ocean re-analyses combining satellite and in situ observations at regular two- and three-dimensional spatial grids. The data available in …
… the mean levels of nitrate in µmol/m3 for the surface water layer. The data are available for global-scale … pre-processed global ocean re-analyses combining satellite and in situ observations at regular two- and three-dimensional spatial grids. The data available in …