83665 results
 Pacific Data Hub

This report was prepared for the South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission (SOPAC) and was compiled by Jona Sevura and edited by Rupeni Mario. The purpose of this ‘Country Report’ is to assist SOPAC prepare a Global Environment Facility (GEF) medium-sized project that will essentially cover key priority areas for energy efficiency improvement within the land transport sector in the region. The report presents a glimpse of the energy landscape of the land transport sector in Fiji.

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was submitted to GIZ and the Fiji Department of Energy by the Economic Consulting Associates SMEC (New Zealand). This report is part of the National Energy Policy review and supplements the 2013 National Energy Policy (NEP) document and Strategic Action Plan (SAP). The purpose of this legislative gap analysis is to identify what new legislation is needed and which existing legislation needs to be amended to assist effective implementation of the National Energy Policy.

 Pacific Data Hub

This was submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering in the University of Canterbury by Andreas Hamm. This thesis concerns an approach to energy engineering and infrastructure planning which includes sustainable practice in an integrated and intuitive way. Field work was funded by the Pacific Island trust with additional assistance from SOPAC.

 Pacific Data Hub

This survey was conducted by the Fiji Department of Energy (FDOE) with funds provided by UNESCAP and UNESCO. The main objective of this survey was to investigate actual uses, impacts and operation and maintenance problems of rural and remote power electrification in a developing country context. In carrying out this survey, the information derived expectedly would be vital for the development of more efficient rural and remote electrification in the Pacific region and in other developing countries.

 Pacific Data Hub

SOPAC and CTA [The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation, based in the Netherlands] recently jointly funded a biofuel (coconut oil) project in Fiji. Using local copra supply as biofuel for rural electrification is perceived as a potentially viable and sustainable option. Under this biofuel project, a package of compatible components are provided to a local community, including a mini oil mill, settling tanks, other accessories to blend the coconut oil with diesel and an 18-kVA indirect injection diesel engine.

 Pacific Data Hub

Pre-feasibility study on opportunities for biofuel applications in the rural electrification on Koro Island. Study done by SOPAC in 2007 for the Fiji Department of Energy. 

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was prepared by Luis A. Vega for Office for the Promotion of Renewable Energy Technologies Fiji Department of Energy. This document provides assessment of data available for the Government Stations and a status report on the new anemometer and pyronometer stations installed by DoE with the funding from this project.

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was prepared  for the Fiji Department of Energy. To effectively address the 2012 National Climate Change Policy’s objectives of delivering long-term and positive impacts, the Department of Energy contracted with the New Buildings Institute team, comprised of New Buildings Institute, Britt/Makela Group, and the University of Idaho Integrated Design Lab, to develop amendments to the Fiji National Building Code that will increase building energy efficiency throughout Fiji.

 Pacific Data Hub

This was a report to the UNDP by the IT Power Group, a specialist renewable energy, energy efficiency and carbon markets consulting company. This report is part of work commissioned by the UNDP to help Fiji meet its Renewable Energy Power Project (FREPP) goals. 

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was prepared by Luis A. Vega for the Office for the Promotion of Renewable Energy Technologies (Fiji Department of Energy).

These specifications could be used for any solar home system (SHS) application, they are written specifically for the Renewable Energy Service Company (RESCO) model implemented by the Fiji Department of Energy (DOE). Captured in this report are the following:

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was prepared by Luis A. Vega for Office for the Promotion of Renewable Energy Technologies Fiji Department of Energy. The Office for the Promotion of Renewable Energy Technologies (OPRET) was tasked with the overall management and implementation of the GEF/UNDP and DoE funded project for "Promoting Sustainability of Renewable Energy Technologies and Rural Renewable Service Companies in Fiji". 

This document addresses the testing of equipment's concentrating in Solar Home Systems (SHSs).

 Pacific Data Hub

The objective of the Rural Electrification Policy (1993) is to provide 24 hour continuous electricity to all potential consumers in Fiji. The Rural Electrification Unit is the organisation created to implement the policy. This document is provided for the guidance and instruction of the staff of the Rural Electrification Unit to facilitate the implementation of the Rural Electrification Policy (1993). It has been made particularly detailed with a view to being able to provide information on as many aspects of the policy as possible.

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was prepared by Luis A. Vega for Office for the Promotion of Renewable Energy Technologies Fiji Department of Energy. The objective of this report is to summarize renewable-energy data assessments performed prior to the initiation of the GEF project. Unfortunately, no comprehensive information about renewable energy resources was identified as of September 2001. There were the wind and solar data records obtained by DoE as input to the design of the Nabouwalu Wind/PV hybrid power plant.

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was submitted to the GIZ, the Secretariat of the Pacific Community, UNDP and the Fiji Department of Energy by the Economic Consulting Associates SMEC (New Zealand). The impact of the energy sector on Fiji’s macro economy through high and volatile prices and high import payments is significant. 

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was prepared by the IT Power to the UNDP. This report is part of work commissioned by the UNDP to help Fiji meet its Renewable Energy Power Project (FREPP) goals. This work is intended to contribute to the revitalisation of the renewable energy market in Fiji, especially where IPPs are concerned. Of particular interest is the policy framework regulating both public and the private investments in renewable energy, and the incentives which could be applied to stimulate growth in the sector.

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was prepared by the IT Power to the UNDP. This report is part of work commissioned by the UNDP to help Fiji meet its Renewable Energy Power Project (FREPP) goals. This work is intended to contribute to the revitalisation of the renewable energy market in Fiji, especially where IPPs are concerned. Of particular interest is the policy framework regulating both public and the private investments in renewable energy, and the incentives which could be applied to stimulate growth in the sector.

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was prepared by Sokoveti Namoumou for Office for the Promotion of Renewable Energy Technologies Department of Energy. The report is based on the socioeconomic survey carried out as part of the activity for the GEF/UNDP funded project on Promoting Sustainability of Rural Renewable Energy Service Companies and Renewable Energy Technologies. The aim of this survey is to:

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was done by Matthew Dornan. Solar photovoltaic technologies have for some time been promoted as a cost-effective means of rural electrification in developing countries. However, institutional structures resulting in poor maintenance have adversely affected the sustainability of past solar projects.

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was prepared by the IT Power. Report is a draft template on a standardized power purchase agreement (PPA) for Fiji.

 Pacific Data Hub

PREA 1992 Report on the Federated States of Micronesia issues and options in the energy sector. Published by the World Bank in cooperation with the UNDP/ESCAP Pacific Energy Development Programme and the Asian Development Bank.