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 Pacific Data Hub

This report was prepared by Ridway Project ltd for SPREP - Pacific Regional Environment Programme under the PIGGAREP Project. 2008 report on the establishment of a renewable energy & energy efficiency unit at the Tuvalu Electricity Corporation (TEC).

 Pacific Data Hub

PREA 1992 Report on the Tuvalu issues and options in the energy sector. Published by the World Bank in cooperation with the UNDP/ESCAP Pacific Energy Development Programme and the Asian Development Bank.

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was prepared by the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SREP). Report is produced in partnership between the Government of Tuvalu, EU, supported by NZMFAT, Government of Finland and PIGGAREP. PIGGAREP is funded through the Global Environment Facility (GEF), implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Samoa, and executed by the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP).

 Pacific Data Hub

This report is published under the auspices of the Government of Vanuatu (GoV), with the support of the Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility (PRIF). The report was prepared by Philippe Bergeron, Christopher Cheatham and Bikenibeu Ieremiah working under the guidance of the PRIF Coordination Office and with administrative support by the Asian Development Bank.

 Pacific Data Hub

UNDP report on towards an 'Energy Plus' approach for the poor. A review of the good practices and lessons learned from Asia and the Pacific. Case Study 17 on Environment and Energy. Vanuatu's Community Powerhouse rural electrification model. The Community Powerhouse is a model for community-based rural electrification in Vanuatu. The model is being developed and implemented, in collaboration with local communities, by the Vanuatu Renewable Energy and Power Association (VANREPA) in response to locally identified needs for rural energy services.

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was prepared by Government of Vanuatu. This investor guide book is being developed with the aim of supporting potential investors and project developers with the basic knowledge on the environment surrounding CDM project development in Vanuatu. In addition to general demographic information for Vanuatu, the investor guide will provide country specific information from a practical aspect of identifying and developing CDM projects in the host country.

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was prepared by GHD for the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SREP). 

SPREP through the Pacific Islands Greenhouse Gas Abatement through Renewable Energy Project (PIGGAREP), a regional SPREP/UNDP/GEF climate change mitigation initiative, commissioned GHD to conduct an updated Feasibility Assessment of the proposed Electrification of the Talise community, Maewo Island, Vanuatu.

keywords: Vanuatu, Talise, electrification, hydro, renewable energy, feasibility study

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was prepared by the International Institute for Energy Conservation (IIEC) for the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership REEEP. The objective of this study is to analyze the characteristics of major appliance and lighting products and markets in Vanuatu, in order to inform and support decision-making on the most suitable Standards & Labelling (S&L) strategy for Vanuatu.

 Pacific Data Hub

NAMAs are voluntary, non-binding policy instruments that provide a framework for pursuing a country's socio-economic and development goals while contributing towards global greenhouse gas mitigation efforts. NAMA design document for Vanuatu rural electrification. 

other key word - NAMA study - Rural electrification in Vanuatu

 Pacific Data Hub

Report by SOPAC on an assessment  of priority issues & options for the land transport sector in Vanuatu. 

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was prepared by Anthony Richard Polack of the University of Canberra. This dissertation is for partial fulfillment of the Master of Science in Renewable Energy. 

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was prepared by Thomas Lynge Jensen of the UNDP Pacific Centre. The energy household survey in Port Olry, including this report, has benefitted significantly from recent United Nations (UN) supported household surveys in Fiji, the Solomon Islands, Samoa and the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI). In addition the format of this report overall follows the format of the Preparatory Phase of the Samoa Photovoltaic Electrification Programme – Survey Report (UNDP, 2008) which was prepared by Dr. Herbert Wade et al for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was prepared by Iese Toimoana of the Pacific Power Association. 

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was prepared by Katerina Syngellakis. The regional programme “Coping with Climate Change in the Pacific Island Region” (CCCPIR) aims to build and strengthen the capacities of Pacific member countries and regional organizations to adapt to, and mitigate, climate change impacts. A solar PV system is considered to produce electricity independently of the main grid. In the case of Vanuatu, where the main grid is fuelled almost entirely by diesel, the solar PV system also reduces diesel use and carbon dioxide emissions (one of the greenhouse gases which cause climate change).

 Pacific Data Hub

Draft Final report on the feasibility study of Sarakata hydropower project.  This report was prepared by SMEC, funded by ADB. 

keywords: hydro, electrification, renewable energy, energy access

 Pacific Data Hub

This feasibility study report is based on a project proposal submitted by the Government of the Republic of Vanuatu, through the Energy Unit for funding under the sponsoring agency - SPCs Australian and French-funded Pacific rural Renewable Energy France-Australia Common Endeavour (PREFACE). The proposal, requested donor assistance for the electrification through solar energy to the proposal locations at the islands of Ambrym and the Bank Islands. 

keywords: PREFACE, feasibility study, Torba, rural electrification, solar energy, renewable energy

 Pacific Data Hub

This report was written as a thesis for the environmental Sociology Group of the Department of Social Science at Wageningen Agricultural University. It is a product of a fieldwork period in Port Olry (Vanuatu) and project preparation at SPC Noumea. 

 Pacific Data Hub

Electrification feasibility study for the Torba Province. 

 Pacific Data Hub

This report is prepared by the Vanuatu Utilities Regulatory Authority (URA). These Preliminary Guidelines are being provided to all interested persons in the matter of developing regulatory guidelines for Independent Power Producers (IPPs) and Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs). The electricity networks in Vanuatu are currently vertically integrated, meaning that the generation, transmission, distribution and supply of electricity are all performed by the same company.

 Pacific Data Hub

1985 report by Joint UNDP/World Bank Energy Sector Assessment Program for Vanuatu.